Warner Bros fast-tracks live-action AKIRA

Awesome, Gary! Even if the movie sucks, it will qualify for this thread. I’ll watch it anyway.

Plus, I kinda liked the original Akira, even though it made no sense whatsoever.

Yeah… the anime was a bit like “this is cool, even though nothing makes much sense at all”. The manga was like getting the footnotes —> “aha! so that was it”.

'grats Gary! We expect frequent script leaks so that we can keep AICN informed.


Obligatory 3rd page.

Ditto. Not long ago, I was all set to read the manga for some enlightenment on the story, but balked at the 2000+ pages I’d have to flip with my left hand. (I guess an Absolute Edition is out of the question?)

I’ll just wait for the movie. Congrats, Gary!

Popes and Pucks?

Holy Forecheck

Confessions from the Penalty Box

Congrats man! Good luck with it.

Papacy on Ice

Or better yet, sitting on that red bike, grinning. Or maybe shouting TETSUOOO!

Good work.

Very cool Gary! I’ve got a question. Since Book of ELi is your creation, do you get to make suggestions to the director/producer as the film is being made? Or are all facets of the movie totally out of your control once filming begins?

Working pretty closely with the directors on ELI, as well as the director on AKIRA. So far they’ve been very equitable relationships, although I’m under no illusions as to where I am on the totem poll should push come to shove.

Since I can’t say anything about what we’re actually doing, here are a couple of lame pics instead:

Ultra-glamorous view from my office:

If I hear one more tour bus go by telling me that the mountain in the background is the one used in MASH, I’m going to scream.

WB water tower (Animaniacs not included):


Well done, G-Man!

Teach those fuxkers about subtext :p

Isn’t that the mountain they used in MASH? I just noticed that.

— Alan

I assume those are sets in the background. That’s pretty cool. You should try to hide various out-of-place objects in the scenery.

Congratulations on such a huge job Gary!

Just remember that Akira is near and dear to many of us and if it does not live up to our individual hopes and dreams, we’ll totally hate you forever and maybe even say bad things about you on the internet. No pressure!

(seriously, congrats)

Book of Eli? Nearest you will see that will be 2009.