Watch Dogs 2 - Ubisoft's other open world IP returns

It looks like he can add pieces of flair to his back bag. :|

The last image looks like its sponsored by RAZER.

And the logo looks like it is reminiscent about the days of NVIDIA SLI.

Yeah, I guess. I still think going more vertical with player movement (and gadgets) than Watch Dogs 1 makes it that much more like every other modern day open world action game, which was already a problem in the first game.

This, so this. Maybe i am just getting old, but these people look like rejects from some crazy anarchist rally.

It is like some exec looked at the first game and thought the protagonist was not a big enough asshole. The robot would have been perfect if this was a troll and not real.

Is there a live trailer still? it looks like ubisoft is going around shutting them all down. Kind of ironic given the game we’re talking about.

I have to say that the driving felt kinda stiff, but there are better cars as progressed in the game that controlled well for me. It was no Mafia 2 (still the best city driving physics ever) but I had fun driving in WD. And yeah I just love the atmosphere and city and stealth gameplay there.

Aaaaaaaand I hate literally everything about this picture. The first thing I am going to do playing this is going to some store and get some normal nonhipsterdouchedgelord clothes/shoes.

Oh, is that thing on the left a robot? I thought it was a piece of luggage.

Dont know, i just assumed it was a security bot that they infected with emo. It does kind of look like those wheeled robots they have now that go around taking pictures of licence plates and recording everything.

And seriously, why would he have his luggage in an action pose?

Look at him. He’s pointing at his robot? baggage? all edgy-like.

“Hells-to-the-yeah boooyyyy! This ma $h1zn!t!”

Looks like Tower Cranes are playing a big role in WD2.

I haven’t played any Ubisoft open-world games (seriously) - how close to reality do they model the cities? I was a little disappointed in Driver: San Francisco because I couldn’t drive by my apartment. I’m sure they won’t model the entire 50 square miles, but for the parts they cover, what do they usually do?

Chicago in Watch Dogs was hilariously off.

Ubisoft, never stop Ubisofting.

Also, I guess this answers the question we had. It’s a robot.

Edit: Single player will NOT require online connection.

I can visualize that Collector’s case edition sitting on a lonely shelf at Best Buy for a few years, particularly the XB1 edition.

Am i the only one who thinks this is what a bunch of 60 year old executives at ubisoft imagine Anonymous is?

Maybe it’s what the developers think people think Anonymous looks like? Maybe that’s the problem with selling to the mass market.

WD was the first game I finished on X1 and I rebought it on PC. I didn’t lurve it but it was pretty strong like.

I am 1000% on board with this sequel. I don’t see douchey anywhere, watch the 18 minute presentation and you see that they are really aiming at poking on how trolls work, and what happens when trolls actually have a bit of skill. Sold bring it on.

So I just fired up WatchDogs again to mess around for a while in cars and what not, applied Danvsw’s mod for graphics, here is what I recorded:

Still a lot of fun. But yeah the physics leaves a lot to be desired, but it’s not terrible. I hope for WD2 they add better one and add proper incar views though, GTA or Crew-style.