Watch Dogs Legion - It's London baby!

I went over a few more video reviews and I’ll wait till it gets cheaper, like $10 cheap, lol.

Bloodline out now.

Well it’s still called alpha

No, it isn’t - That is the zombie spinoff that is. Bloodlines is a rather good DLC where you get to play as Aiden once again, the protagonist from the first watchdogs game. And so far, its pretty fun! Wrench is in there as well.

This seems a lot more like I wanted Watch Dogs 3 to be, rather than the Legion we actually got. Does it have any open world activities or is it just story missions?

Is he still complaining about how he is a victim and not guilty of anything whatsoever? ;)

Reading this review makes me want to give Legion another chance someday

In the comments someone writes:

I might actually finish Legion now that I can play as Aiden (not super into Wrench).

Does that mean Legion’s original campaign can be played with Aiden? Is it fully voiced with him and does it, like, work?

No. I just finished the DLC and it’s standalone. Wrench and Aiden have their own missions on the London map. It’s pretty good, if you like the basic WD approach.

The story DLC is standalone but you can play the main campaign as Aiden or Wrench. They show up as recruitment NPCs in front of the hideout pub.

Yup. I’m doing that right now as a refresher on how the game plays. I don’t remember it being this fun. Being able to ride on cargo drones kind of breaks everything, but I enjoy it.

Oh really? I missed that completely. Sorry for the blatant misinformation :)

So, boy, did I make a mistake.

Just finished the DLC, after replaying the main game. Didn’t realize it was a prequel of sorts (takes place between the prologue of the main game and the rest of it - so post Zero-Day bombing and start of main campaign). Anyway, I just played the main game with Aiden. Turns out, should have been playing with Wrench instead. See, I knew that he could summon his own, special cargo drone, but I could get those anywhere. What I didn’t know was that this cargo drone was a) armed with a grenade launcher, and more importantly, b) was easily twice as fast as every other cargo drone in the game.

So, so worth it.

bought this 50% off for my shiny new xbox Series S, because it has raytracing on the small X|S. Raytraying, man, that’s next gen, right?

Never played a Watchdogs game before, and it looks less buggy than Cyberpunk 2077. I was briefly thinking to get CP2077 but it is fulprice as download (X|S has no drive).

Crossover event with Netflix.

Latest patch.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Spiderbot Arena minimum player requirement to be 4 players. This fix reduces the minimum player requirement to the intended 2 players.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed missing visual effects on some UI highlights when hovering over them with a mouse.
  • Removed the Cargo Drone from Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead.

Ha, yeah. I bet people flying over the zombies really took some of the oomph away from that mode.

OK, just grabbed the Gold Edition for XSX off Amazon for 20 bucks. I must not have been paying attention to the initial recruitment because the game gave me the dude I picked last as my “main” dude. Luckily, I was able to immediately recruit Aidan once I walked outside so I’m rolling with him instead of the weirdo Freddie Mercury looking dude with the odd, slurry voice.

Tweaked the controls slightly, just recruited the construction worker and did the associated mission. Enjoying it so far. Bummed that I cannot change the camera height while driving.

Finished it today, almost playing exclusively as Aiden. I mainlined the story, didn’t do any contracts. I…had a good time, I guess? It does get a little samey, so I tried to invent new ways to take out enemies in the places I had to infiltrate.

About 20 hrs for main story. Plus another 10 for the Bloodlines DLC, which I played prior to the main story.

Oh, and the lack of manual saves combined with only one autosave can fuck right off.

It had a good run, I guess. Time to go into maintenance mode.

In October 2020, Watch Dogs: Legion launched, and you joined us in London to stop the authoritarian powers that were threatening the city. The launch of the Online Mode continued your adventure with DedSec London, giving you the opportunity to stop new threats in the Tactical Ops, or to test your mettle against friends in the Spiderbot PVP arena.

Since then, we’ve expanded the world of Watch Dogs: Legion through a ton of new content in both single player and online.

We introduced a range of gameplay mode; from fan favourites such as Invasion, to Resistance Mode and a re-imagining of London as a zombie apocalypse with Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead.

Additionally, new characters joined the game, like Mina Sidhu, an escaped research subject with mind control abilities, Helen, a retiree with strawberry sweets and a taser in her purse, ready to use either to melt hearts, and Darcy, an Assassin with a strong connection to the London Brotherhood.

This summer also saw the return of an older Aiden Pearce and Wrench in the story expansion Watch Dogs: Legion – Bloodline. Set shortly before the events of the main game, the expansion follows them both as they work together to prevent a rising authoritarian threat from a corporate giant, whilst dealing with their own personal motivations, and face old wounds. Continuing their stories, developing Aiden’s relationship with his nephew Jackson, and digging deeper into Wrench’s motivations was something we were very excited about bringing to the world of Legion, and we’ve loved seeing the positive reactions from fans.

Finally, thanks to your feedback, we added multiple quality-of-life improvements to the game.

Throughout it all, you’ve shown us your DedSec teams, favourite recruits, best game moments, fan art, cosplay, videos, and more, and we’ve loved seeing your content and passion.

TU 5.6 was our final update for Watch Dogs: Legion. However, you can look forward to reward tracks in the Online Mode, containing both new and returning rewards. The current season 4 Rebels track, containing 80 ranks, will run until January 22, 2022, followed by Season 5 Stripes. After that, Seasons 3-5 will continue to cycle and return to the game, giving you the opportunity to acquire rewards you might have missed out on in the past. Some rewards to look forward to is a modified version of Aiden Pearce’s jacket, and Jackson’s mask and clothing set.

The game has grown by leaps and bounds, with a ton of content to explore, from a sprawling near future city to an action-packed Online Mode. We couldn’t be prouder of the game we’ve created, and we appreciate all of you who’ve joined us on this journey in London over the year. We look forward to seeing more of your adventures in Legion!

Until next time, DedSec.

//The Watch Dogs: Legion Development team

For a fair to middling game, oft-repetitive, w/ a neat RTX-ified London environment, I got my money’s worth (it was free w/ the video card!). I’d play the next one.