Way too early - Possible 2020 Democratic Candidates

You can’t reason with this.

Also this woman is probably now considered an actress paid by Soros that gets death threats from people just like her for revealing how stupid they all are.

OK people, again, the Kasich comment was tongue-in-cheek. He’s not going to run as a Democrat (LOL), and probably unlikely to run as a Republican either considering Ohio was the only state he won (or even had a reasonable showing in) last time around.

It’s just fun to point out how Kasich is now the poster boy for what passes as sanity and centrism in the GOP. That’s how fucked up things are right now.

I took it as seriously as voting for Jill Stein in 2020!

Yeah, Trump may be a monster, but Kasich is ultraconservative. If he’s a Democrat, then we might as well just elect Pence emperor instead. But not going to happen in any event, fortunately.

By the way I want a massively polarized election based on a presidential candidate who is at least liberal if not considerably further left. Anyone who is capable of compromising with the existing GOP is not only way too conservative, but is actively evil. Because the GOP are evil, and you don’t compromise with evil without getting it all over you. I want the current GOP destroyed, root and branch.

Now that may not actually happen, but nevertheless I wouldn’t support a candidate who tries to reconcile the parties with “moderate” policies, because moderate policies at present are further right than anyone would ever have imagined even 10 years ago.

Really? We elected Barack Hussein Obama…

Ha! I do notice the absence of any mention of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s potential candidacy in this thread! What are John Cena’s political views? =)

What are John Cena’s political views? =)

You can’t see them

You, sir, have won all of my QT3 likes for the day. Congrats.

Can you actually do that? What if the President were to become incapacitated, could Obama become President again? Sounds like a Constitutional crisis.

This came up years ago and the consensus, if I remember correctly, is that a two-term President would not be able to run as a Vice-President for just that reason. But of course it’s never been tested.

I was assuming the silliness in my statement was evident, but such is the danger with text. Of course, a little bit of truth is couched in there; if Obama’s name was Joe Smith, he would have had an easier time. He also benefitted from the “Look, we’re not racist!/white guilt” thing at the time (think of all the “post-racial America” themes in the news after his election, which any minority member would likely scoff at).

But anyway, studies have been done where people who are borderline on who they’re voting for are more likely to be swayed by seemingly meaningless things, such as who is listed first on the ballot.

Objectively false

You make me do this to you, @Timex

Well. “Ultraconservative” is not a term that lends itself to much objectivity, but he’s definitely no moderate. On pretty much every issue, Kasich takes the right-ward path. Supply-sider, privatize schools and prisons, cut taxes on the rich, suppress unions, anti-abortion, anti-SSM. I suppose he’s not Roy Moore or Steve King, so that’s what passes for moderation these days.

I’ll admit that he sounds very reasonable and grandpa-ish, though.

He’s libertarian on some things:

  • Against unions of all kinds (particularly teachers)
  • Against reinforcing public schools/for charter schools & vouchers
  • Against selective service to customers based on belief
  • Very resistant to environmental regulations/pro fracking
  • Against Obamacare

He’s culturally conservative on others:

  • Against abortion (with exceptions for rape and incest), wants to defund Planned Parenthood
  • Against legalization of marijuana
  • More prisons and law enforcement/against alternative sentencing
  • For capital punishment/death penalty
  • Creationist/believes Bible is accurate history
  • Against accepting Syrian refugees
  • Higher border security with Mexico

He’s fiscally conservative on some stuff:

  • Lower Social Security benefits to keep the program solvent
  • Against estate tax
  • Believes lower taxes will raise all boats
  • Wants to limit welfare benefits

He’s middle of the road on some other things:

  • Expansion of Medicaid
  • Wants a stronger military, but more cost-effective
  • No religious litmus test (positions, on the other hand…)
  • Believes in helping the poor (and the rich)
  • Against flat tax

Kasich policy planks:

  • cut education spending when education spending is obviously way too low
  • repeal obamacare
  • ban abortions after 20 weeks
  • cut corporate income tax (when most corps pay little or nothing)
  • reduce union power still further (after they are already almost powerless)
  • ground troop military engagement in the middle east

– in what way is this all not ultraconservative?

This will never cease to boggle my mind.

How many planets do these people think we have?

I figure we have 15-25 years before the food supply collapses and the end of useful human civilization. Given my eating and exercise habits, I’ve got 25 years at best, so I’m just hoping to run out the clock.