Webcomics that may interest only me

So you’re a supertaster?

What people who are not regular readers may not know is that she really does keep that broadsword behind the counter.

…at least the strip’s title is entirely accurate.

Hey, that makes it way funnier!

Oh, wait. No it doesn’t.

Hey, I like Questionable Content too.

It’s OK, but mostly just in a guilty pleasure capacity. Has only trace amounts of teh funny.

Is she supposed to be angry or happy?

Yeah, I don’t get it. I’m assuming she asked out her boyfriend, but he turned her down. If the story were, “I fucked him 5 times in the stacks before he told me he has a girlfriend!” it might have been funny.

But probably not.

QC kinda reminds me of CAD. Unlikeable characters who I’m supposed to root for because they just so happen to be the strip’s main characters.

I thought they were all lesbians.

I liked that strip. I’m not going to bother everyone with why, since it’ll end up everyone just bitching that me, rimbo, and sansker have no taste in webcomics (Though honestly, is there such a thing as ‘good’ taste? (XKCD doesn’t count))

Yes. Yes there is.

Both of these statements are correct.

I like QC too. Although I’m ready to kick the creator, Jeph Jacques from my twitter feed.

Then why not participate in the conversation and put forth a few?

I personally like Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, as well as Truck Bearing Kibble.

Those are harsh words.

Oh come on. It can’t possibly be as bad as CAD. Nothing can be.

We have had loads of comic threads where I have given recommendations. And I have mentioned in this very thread that only webcomic that I think is even remotely worth reading is Perry Bible Fellowship. If there are others of the same quality or higher, I haven’t seen them. (I make an exception for Penny Arcade, because I think it’s funny. But I wouldn’t call it good.)

But this thread isn’t for that. It’s for Rimbo to get some more of that negative attention he so desperately craves.

Well now that PBF has closed up shop, you’d better start looking, you glorious crazy person.

She is deliberately masking which she is in order to further terrify the poor unsuspecting customer.