Webcomics that may interest only me

@ whoever linked to Wonderella: Thanks.

You kinda have to know what the letters he wrote say. I wish we would have read those in english class.

Ha, I LOVE those letters! They’re so romaaaantic.

Here I shall present a partial list of adjectives one should probably not use when complimenting a lady-friend’s vagina:

  1. Rank

Chris Hastings is awesome.

The best thing about this one is that I recognize the dress Cygnus is wearing in the 4th panel. :)

Has anyone mentioned Warren Ellis’ Freakangels? It’s a full narrative using essentially the Girl Genius model of web comic later released in collection. You have to start from the beginning but hey, a free Warren Ellis comic? I’m in.

Though I’ll probably pick it up in trades eventually :(.


First page:

You and the billion or so other people who saw Bjork wearing it during an Oscar telecast.

Cheers for posting that. I’ve started from the start. It’s really good.

If by “good” you mean “Like watching somebody try to use drawing a webcomic as a substitute for much-needed therapy”, then I agree with you.

By good I mean I like it. Someone else’s requirement for therapy means nothing to me.

I kind of thought that the definition of ‘webcomic’ involved ‘substitute for much-needed therapy’.

Oh boy, QT3 needs more sociopaths.

Those are cat people, right?

Yep, just about as much as it needs more people dismissing subjective opinions.

It’s ok Zylon, we don’t need to all like the same things. I found that webcomic to be funny in places and touching in others. You didn’t. That’s cool. I haven’t become emotionally invested in the artist. I don’t care if he needs therapy or not. But hey, if crazy produces great work, then bring on the crazy.

Am I some kind of emotional lemur for not getting the joke in the bear/bees comic being discussed? I’m dismissing it as a failure, I just don’t get the joke.

I’m trying to figure out the “substitute for therapy” thing.

Nah that one didn’t do too much for me either. I just liked the ridiculousness of it. Also the bear is a respected figure in the story so the bees refusal to let him in is even more preposterous in context. There are some funnier ones but nothing that had me doubled over gasping for breath.

Overall it’s an enjoyable diversion.

The “Abominable Charles” comic seems a little schitzo. The parts with the animals can be funny. I like the bird family and the raccoons, particularly this one:

But apart from a few with the baby fox, the ones with Charles that seem to be the comic’s main plotline seem meandering and… I’m not sure what. Boring, I guess.