Webcomics that may interest only me


Which Dark Knight comic is that?

I knew something was going to happen, yet… Damn… shiver

Detective Comics #853, one of the Neil Gaiman issues.

Wasn’t it Batman #686, the other one of the Neil Gaiman issues?

I looked it up and apparently yes, Neil Gaiman wrote an issue which deliberately apes the art and writing style used in The Killing Joke.

I <3 this. Thank you so much

Okay, Tom Siddel is being evil on Gunnerkrigg Court. He ends the chapter on that reveal… Argh

Heh. Good comics already have their own thread. :)

No, this thread is for webcomics that may interest only you — thus potentially every webcomic.

Another w00t shirt:

That’s awesome! And totally makes me want to play an RPG (P&P or otherwise) with dinosaur PCs. Are there any?

Also, it reminded me of:

This is now my desktop wallpaper.

(No. Seriously. He works for Double Fine.)

Strong Female Characters are back!

My favorite thing about these comics is how they contort in every single panel to provide both T and A.

i like how susan b assthony’s beehive-do gets its own pair of sunglasses

I swear that I just looked at this comic a week ago, and Jesus didn’t have a monkey/totem face.

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