Webcomics that may interest only me

I can’t decide if my favorite part is the crying child or the slogan.

Today’s xkcd strip sure is something else.

If this ridiculous tunnel network I’m laboriously clicking and dragging my way through isn’t a rickroll, I’m going to be very disappointed.

It’s not a comic, it’s a exploration game! Many good bits. I particularly like:

“Jesus, why do your footprints change to tire tracks every time I was threatened by Decepticons?”

I liked the fence post joke… Very funny!

Anyone else read the What-If blog from XKCD? Most recent one is “If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, would it change color?” Good stuff, at least for the math and science nerds among us who also like a touch of the absurd.

Holy crap. Thank you for linking that!

The first three lines of this comic were written for this forum section.


“I have all these opinions about TV shows and no outlet for them!”
“Have you tried yelling them at the Internet?”

Now this is what elections are really all about.

“What if you were flashing your BIOS during a thunderstorm and you got hit by lightning?”

XKCD knows the awful truth. (At the bottom, but the whole thing is a good read.)

Need to explain a rocket to a person of limited vocabulary? Done.

That comic reminded me of Kerbal Space Program for some reason.

Looks like NPR’s Robert Krulwich (of Radiolab fame) liked it too.


the middle panel is my favorite… “i brought something for you!”

I found this amusing - was probably created in response to the various stories floating around lately about the universe being a simulation.

I just discovered this fella last week. He does “post-college twentysomething pathos” pretty well.