Weekend gaming 03/09/2012

Got to Turn 25 on my new Dominions 3 game playing as Lanka against 14 AIs on the Glory map. I am about to get into a war with Helheim and Arco it appears.

Finished up Voss with my wife on SWTOR and got to level 48. Almost up to 50 with our friends in the guild so will be trying end game flashpoints soon.

Fired up a new challenge in Conquest of Elysium 3 last night trying a witch against 7 allied Jester level AIs. After all the long turns in Dom3, I find going back to CoE3 refreshing to be able to progress in a game quickly while still enjoying a lot of the same types of creatures. I am a little concerned with all of these poison resistant elemental creatures invading my territory in this current game, though.

Bought the $6.99 for a whole of lot of gaming goodness D&D pack at gamersgate last week. Now 10 hours in for Planescape:Torment, in my 2nd lifetime playthrough of the game.

Played 7 hours into FF IX this weekend. Don’t know why FF VII has so many damn fan boys when IX is so much better on every level. Playing it again for the first time since release (2000) and although this was always a personal favorite, I’m really seeing now that this has to be THE best FF game ever.

It’s got EVERYTHING: beautiful graphics and world design, characters you actually care about, lots of humor, drama, great TB battle system, phenomenal sound track (some of Uematsu’s greatest work).

Going to see how the whole thing plays out, I recall the last portion of the game not being that great but it’s been a while. Still don’t get why all the love for VII and all the indifference towards IX.

IX was everything good about a FF game up until that point. And 12 years later, the graphics really hold up well, at least on the PSP they do.

Anyway, that’s all I managed to play. And now I am reminded I started a new Wizardry 8 game a few months ago and forgot all about it. I love that game to death and still I’ve never managed to get more than halfway through it for one reason or another.

Here you go:


Also try the amazing Chameleon AI.

The patch and the AI still get updated!

My daughter and I are doing a co-play of Portal 2. We are both enjoying the game, although I really suck at using console controls. I just can’t seem to get my thumbs to work right.

It is also surprising how well done the game is. Humor, tricky but fair puzzles and they are different enough to keep your mind working.

Nine is really good. But better than six? No. It’s not better than six. And only maybe better than eight.

It is fantastic though. Great music, as you say. And the graphics (and the writing) give the story a warm, cozy feeling. It really does feel good to just wander through the world. Lindblum is a great city.

I can give you FF VI.

IV, IV and IX are all worthy of the #1 spot. Though I’d still pick IX AND IV over six. I just prefer the smaller casts and better focus on characters because of it.

Twelve was awesome as well. Hell, throw V in there too, very underrated, FF V is.

But please tell me “eight” was just a typo. Eight has the worst cast in a FF game. And worst story.

I love eight, sorry! Worst cast? Irvine was kind of stupid. But I mean – a worse cast than 7? No. Nine doesn’t have a strong cast either.

I loved the plethora of characters in six. Some of the best characters in the series, too. Celes? Gau? Sabin & Edgar? Locke & Terra? Amazing. Plus it has the best endgame of any game in the series (and one of the best of any game ever).


I haven’t played any of the post-PS games, so I can’t comment on those.

Five is good! I can’t even remember four at this point, though.

Anyway: Final fantasy! Good series fallen on hard times, I guess? (From reactions to thirteen)