Weekend gaming - 11/12/2010

What Meghan said. Just got the main game. Imma noob and really enjoying it. Now, I need try not to do the immersion/obsessive/burnout thing.

Finished FEAR 2; pretty enjoyable, although the final sequence was … not so good. The game was overall a little too long - the same “office crawl” problem the first game had. At least there were more than just the two environments this time.

Might either finish up Mirror’s Edge or start Stalker: CoP but most likely will plink away in World of Tanks (new patch!). Wondering if I should finish Borderlands too, but I don’t think the shooting is good enough, frankly.

World of Warcraft Got some raiding to do.
Stronghold Kingdoms Great thing to run in the background and work on while I have downtime.
Lord of the Rings Its just fun. WoW is wearing on me a bit. I really only raid in WoW.

Well, I WAS planning on playing Risen this weekend after having purchased it from Steam’s 50% off sale, but LOL - popular sale is so popular that they didn’t have enough license keys to go around. I’m still getting the ‘Failed to contact key server’ message. Shitnuggets.

So instead I’ve reinstalled Titan Quest and am trying out all the classes I skipped before.

I know it’s an older game, but I just snagged Midnight Club: Los Angeles recently and had a blast playing it for several hours.

Risen. Oh wait, no.

Turns out I ended up playing Costume Quest. Someone said this was a lot like watching the Halloween Charlie Brown special (in a good way, that is)… and I agree completely. A lot of fun, and I probably will pull it out again next year, but more around October.

I played a bit of Vindictus. Next content update I heard is December first. I’m basically popping into to do the daily quests (which grant you full AP once, no matter how many times you’ve done it in the past) and maybe a few more to make money.

I spend a fair amount of time playing musical chairs with multiple character’s inventories because there are so many items and not much space unless you buy some. : /