Went to a bachelor party last night

I’m not sure Bill wrote what you seem to have read.

No. Legally, it carries more weight, but these days marriage is usually more of a formalization rather than a shift in the nature of the relationship.

Hey now, don’t go projecting your values onto everyone.

My values? Not cheating on your girlfriend/fiance/wife is a value that most of society holds.


It’s a value that lot of society pays lip service too, I dunno how many actually cling tightly to it. But maybe I read too many news stores about politicians ;-)

Also I know plenty of people who think a bachelor party is a special exception that should let a fellow get away with stuff that would normally upset his SO.

Also, eatin’ ain’t cheatin’.

What happens in vegas, stays in vegas?

I must hang out with the wrong (right?) crowds then because having strippers at the party is one thing. Having sex with them is quite another.

It’s not cheating if the fiancee knows about it, right? So just ask permission first. That should go over well, too.

Man that’s some horrible advice. A man starts his marriage that way and he’s full on whipped right from the get go. A guy in that situation will probably end up having to ask permission to pee standing up on his wedding night.

Man that’s some horrible advice. A man starts his marriage that way and he’s full on whipped right from the get go. A guy in that situation will probably end up having to ask permission to pee standing up on his wedding night.

Oh, you’re trolling! Shit, sorry, I thought you were being serious in this thread.

I’m sorry, was this thread serious worthy?

While I’m not opposed to the full on booze and stripper bachelor party (I’ve been to many, some were even fun), I would in no way condone any “action” for the groom during the bachelor party beyond having a shapely ass or a surgically enhanced pair of breasts shaken in his immediate vicinity. Issues of disease and hygenics aside, it’s just plain wrong.

That said, you do realize that it’s not just guys anymore right? Bachelorette parties have come a long way from sitting in someone’s living room eating a phallus-shaped cake and laughing at the soon-to-be bride as she turns red while opening lacy packages from Victoria’s secret. Having worked in a nightclub with a private party room, I can say without hesitation that some of the ladies are getting their “fun” in same as the guys are.

probably some things you shouldn’t mention on a board. You never know who could be reading it…

Kraaze could see I was joking, so he responded by joking back. It was appropriate.

You guys should really stop with all the threads about who thinks naked girls are the yuckiest.

Wow, so funny, my gf went to a bachelorette party and it was indeed still the phallus-shaped cake and lacy packages. (she showed me the pics) Guess it depends on the girls…

If my bachelor party isn’t exactly like Very Bad Things except the hooker lives, I’m getting new friends and throwing another bachelor party until the dumb motherfuckers get it right.

Actually, if the hooker doesn’t make it it’s OK, as long as we can dispose of her easily (I mean it’s not like they’re real people).

I second the bachelor party mulligan.

To me, there will be no such thing as an official recognized bachelor party that lacks naked girls until gay marriage is legal. I honestly don’t see the point of marrying a girl if you don’t even like girls in the first place. And I’m sorry, if you really liked girls, you’d want to see a lot of them completely naked, writhing in front of you, jumping up and down, and rubbing their boobs on your face. There’s nothing wrong with being an asexual being, lots of life on Earth is asexual. But there is something wrong with being a cockless social approval pony that tries to convince people that he is what a man is like.

I guess if you just care so much about your special snugglebuns that you want to make her happy for the rest of her life, even if it means that you will have to give up on everything you hold dear, then that’s one thing. But a bachelor party takes that into account. The entire purpose of the bachelor party is to razz the groom for making a cliched and weak willed push into what society says is wedded bliss. For people to take the teeth out of a social ritual and expect it to still have the same resonance in the lives of the participants is utter foolishness. Ask anyone who had a real bachelor party about it, and you will know, you will fucking know, when you look into his eyes, that in there, somewhere, inbetween the college fund plans, behind the shattered fiberglass dreams that would have been his yacht with a hot tub, and underneath the fifteen hundred fucking pillows on the bed of his soul, there is still a man. And he is still a man because he has that memory to cling onto, that shard of humanity that tells him, yeah, if he felt like it, he could clean out the bank accounts and be having his armpits licked by female Japanese airline pilots by tonight, or whatever time it would be forty five minutes after the next flight from Japan Airlines hits the Minneapolis Airport when the crew hits the TGIFriday’s.

Listen, married life is a lot like room 101 from the book 1984. When the rats of life are chewing on your face and you are trying not to betray yourself to someone who insists on asking you questions even though she already knows goddamn well that you don’t want to share a fucking soda, but she keeps asking every time, as if you’ve never met before in your life, and keeps getting disappointed in the same way, even though you’re not the wingnut who is insanely particular about the choosing Coke over Pepsi, which means that at roughly fifty percent of the restaurants in the United States, I am not allowed to have cola without being read the riot act, christ, I don’t even get that way when you wake me up at 7:30 on a Saturday morning after I’ve been drinking and excitedly tell me about “our” plans to clean the entire house, I FUCKING LIKE PEPSI. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MOTHERFUCKING PEPSI. ON A RELATED NOTE, I AM NOT THE COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT FOR THE PEPSI CORPORATION, I DO NOT MAKE PEPSI, I DO NOT KNOW ANYONE THAT WORKS FOR PEPSI, THEREFORE, PLEASE REFER YOUR COMMENTS REGARDING THE INFERIOR SUGAR CONTENT THE FUCK ELSEWHERE, imagine the rats are just super scratchy tits that can bite you.