What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


Stop staring at the lion’s butt. You were, just stop it.

I mean one of my first regular internet stops was the Darwin Awards. They made a goddamn movie on it too.

It’s just 20 years ago we had to go looking for these stories to mock people.

Now when someone knocks a nut off with a belt sander it’s on the 9 o’clock news when they sue the manufacturer.

I wonder if they would have been in even deeper shit if they had simply told their supplier/whatever, “Sorry we lost your money”, and not inquired about it any further. I mean, a prison sentence sounds preferable to pissing off some of these individuals.

Sometimes I get out of the shower and it takes too long to fully dry myself off, even with a towel.

With the ‘douse yourself in gasoline’ method, you wouldn’t even need to light it on fire for it to dry you off. Win!

I’ve heard you can kill a hornet’s nest this way too!


We had a robot fall down the stairs in Japan and the one above using that brush like a two year old. I feel safer from robots now than ever.

image https://media.giphy.com/media/u9EbI1XQjggCs/giphy.gif

image https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TepidEvenBarbet-size_restricted.gif

Today, simple tools! Tomorrow, Berserkers!

I don’t know if the world is nurturing enough grizzled, cigar-chomping vets to help us take heart and fight these robots when the situation gets serious.

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I wouldn’t trust cops with one of these things.

You finally really did it. You maniacs!

Too many stories of rogue Chinese scientists of late. I want to hear about the rogue Japanese scientists working on fire-breathing turtles, nuclear-powered lizards, or cyber-ninjas. You KNOW they’re out there.