What did Padme say before she died?

So there she is… lying on the table with Obi looking over her as she screams in pain as she gives birth…

…and then the audio in the entire theatre cuts out

What did Padme tell Obi just before she died?

in a related issue… when Palpitine told Anain about a Sith Lord who was a legend but then his pupil killed him in his sleep… was Palpatine that pupil?


and yet another question… at the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi that he can teach him a way to communicate with Qui gon, his old master

what is the purpose of Yoda even mentioning this to Obi???

ok… thanks

This is debated by some, but I don’t think McDiarmid’s reading allows any other interpretation. He’s talking about himself when he describes the murder.

To clumsily explain why Obi-Wan and Yoda disappear when they die and Qui-Gon doesn’t, as well as a flailing attempt to justify Episode I’s existence.

I thought it explains how Obi is able to disappear during his battle with Darth in the first movie, and then all his subsequent ghost appearances for Luke.

This is debated by some, but I don’t think McDiarmid’s reading allows any other interpretation. He’s talking about himself when he describes the murder.[/quote]

My interpretation: the whole thing was made up.

…and to explain how Obi-Wan is able to appear as a ghost after he dies.

You know you really didn’t have to post a spoiler as the subject of the thread.

Wow whole world has gone awry if I’m complaining about spoiler reveals :)

— Alan

This is debated by some, but I don’t think McDiarmid’s reading allows any other interpretation. He’s talking about himself when he describes the murder.[/quote]

My interpretation: the whole thing was made up.[/quote]

Impossible. He talks about the irony of Plagueis’ death with too much personal relish for it to be an invention. It’s played as a real event Palpatine is couching in legend to manipulate Anakin.

Hardly. Only a fanboy talks in absolutes.

It seems to me a valid interpretation that he was lying to trick Anakin.


Hardly. Only a fanboy talks in absolutes.

It seems to me a valid interpretation that he was lying to trick Anakin.


It’s a valid interpretation of the written lines, but I don’t think McDiarmid’s performance supports it. The way he says, “Ironic…that he could save everyone from death…except himself” makes it pretty darn clear that he’s remembering a personal event, IMO. He’s telling it as a legend, ostensibly, and painting Plagueis as a tragic and sympathetic figure, but his entire attitude about the betrayal and murder is different in that line. I do believe he may have been lying to Anakin about Plagueis’ ability to stop people from dying, although his extreme relish of the irony of Plagueis’ death would indicate it was a real ability. Of course, if Sidious doesn’t actually know how to do it, maybe he never saw Plagueis actually do it, and Plagueis just bragged a lot about shit he could never back up.

“Yeah, there are lots of Jedi outposts on my planet. One of them wanted me to join, because I’m pretty good with a bo-staff. And at bringing people back to life with the Dark Side.”

Then why write “impossible” when what you mean is that you don’t think so? There’s a difference, you know.

FWIW, you have a good point, but it’s ultimately not something the movie spells out one way or the other. Pronouncements of ‘impossibility’ notwithstanding.


Maybe he meant it was literally impossible!

Hardly. Only a fanboy talks in absolutes.

It seems to me a valid interpretation that he was lying to trick Anakin.


It’s a valid interpretation of the written lines, but I don’t think McDiarmid’s performance supports it. The way he says, “Ironic…that he could save everyone from death…except himself” makes it pretty darn clear that he’s remembering a personal event, IMO. He’s telling it as a legend, ostensibly, and painting Plagueis as a tragic and sympathetic figure, but his entire attitude about the betrayal and murder is different in that line. I do believe he may have been lying to Anakin about Plagueis’ ability to stop people from dying, although his extreme relish of the irony of Plagueis’ death would indicate it was a real ability. Of course, if Sidious doesn’t actually know how to do it, maybe he never saw Plagueis actually do it, and Plagueis just bragged a lot about shit he could never back up.

“Yeah, there are lots of Jedi outposts on my planet. One of them wanted me to join, because I’m pretty good with a bo-staff. And at bringing people back to life with the Dark Side.”[/quote]

Or maybe that ability doesn’t actually exist, and the whole thing is made up. The only thing that suggests that it’s even possible is the EU link that someone (you?) posted in that other thread, which says that Palpatine transferred his conciousness to a clone. If you keep doing that, you can live forever I guess, and maybe you can even transfer other people’s conciousness to clones.

But as for the movie itself, it seems a lot of people are getting Qui Gon’s ghost ability confused with this. It can’t be the same thing; the power the Qui-Gon teaches Obi-Wan enables him (a Jedi) to appear as a ghost through the force after he has died. It doesn’t actually keep him alive, and it sure as hell doesn’t do a damn thing for anyone else. That’s what made me really think that whole thing was made up. I sure don’t put it beyond Palpatine to just lie and say the Force can do something it can’t even do, and make up some “legend” to go along with it.

When Palpatine is telling the story of Darth Plagus and his apprentice to Anakin, his performance totally indicates that the story is true; he’s clearly reminiscing when he says that line about the irony of Plagus being able to save others from death, but not himself.

That tells me that the Dark Side power-over-death ability is real.

Then why write “impossible” when what you mean is that you don’t think so? There’s a difference, you know.[/quote]

Because I think it is impossible to reconcile that interpretation with McDiarmid’s performance.

Then why write “impossible” when what you mean is that you don’t think so? There’s a difference, you know.[/quote]

Because I think it is impossible to reconcile that interpretation with McDiarmid’s performance.[/quote]
I can’t believe we’re still arguing over this. She clearly paid Josh Hartnett’s character to get herself killed, it seems so obvi–oh whoops, my bad.

If you think your interpretation of an actor’s performance makes any other interpretation impossible, then you either don’t understand the word ‘impossible’ or you’re awfully full of yourself. Most likely a little of both.

Personally, I don’t really care whether Palpatine/Sidious/Emperor is Plagueis or not, or whether he can raise the dead or not, but to the non Star Wars pedants among us, it’s clear that the movie leaves it ambiguous.


It is ambiguous insofar as there’s no conclusive evidence either way, but McDairmid’s performance strongly suggests that he’s reminiscing about something that really happened.

BTW Tom, good to see you at E3.