What do we know about the new NVidia Ampere?

Weird, I can’t find it. My FOMO is twitching. Only 12 days to go!

Search for 3080 and click the notify me button after logging in.

Lol, I have alarms set and payment methods saved at all the usual suspect retailers.


Hit that page logged in and you should see it.

Ah! I was looking at nowinstock.net for it – got it, thanks!

We know what its box looks like :/

(There’s no useful info in this.)

It was useful for me to see the size/shape of the adapter, I now know that won’t work in my case as it will be right in the way of my side fan.

That’s a honkin’ big card.

Not really, the 3080 FE is comparable to lots of flagship cards over the past decade. The 3090 is unusually big, though, and many AIB cards will be fuhhuge.

Still bigger than any card I’ve used I think. Though the perspective in the photos is often skewing the apparent size I guess. They certainly are not compact by any stretch of the imagination.

That size difference makes me look sideways at the claimed 30 watt difference 3800 to 3900.

Looks like the lands down under will get founders cards after all.

Are these markup prices normal for stuff in Australia/NZland?

Presumably that’s AUD not USD, though it’s still something of a markup, as usual.

Does seem a little bit of an obnoxious markup ($130 USD on the 3080 and $270 on the 3090), but I guess pricing what the market will bear. Seems like someone could make a killing flying there with a bundle of cards out of Taipei, but perhaps that’s just the Wing Commander: Privateer in me talking.

For comparison, the Xbox Series S is going to cost AUD 499.

Maybe that’s how these ones got there and such a killing is being made.

I commend the enterprising soul who introduced one of their bosses to the Kayak website (or even better just took an “unplanned leave of absence”).


Thats a FE3080 , according to the post on ResetERA.


Can you link it? 65C seems fine for a big card, right?

Not much to link, lol.

This just in, heatsinks get hot.