What game did you play today?... (or yesterday)

I’m playing Vanquish now. Now that I’m done with Fallout 3: New Vegas I’m moving to other games in my backlog - at some point I need to try out Starcraft 2.

I have played an awful lot of the “Pasha” table on Pinball FX 2.

I blame Mink Staccato and the games podcast. :)

Gran Turismo 5, if by “playing” you mean “screaming threats at my B-spec driver regarding his driving technique, future employment, and health of his pets.”

Finished Sentinel 3 on the iPod touch. Those triple queens were brutal!

Planescape Torment (yep, i am playing it, at last!)
Cortext Command
Revenge of the Titans
Red Faction: Guerrilla

Last night I finished NFS: Hot Pursuit, played a lot of Pinball FX2 (Wolverine), started Cave Story on the Wii (so good) and the ‘how should I organize my collection’ game. This morning, I’ve fought boredom with some Drop7. Is that game completely broken or is it just me ?

Huh? It’s just you, Drop7 is a great puzzler and the oldest game I still keep around on my iPod.

StokEd Big Air Edition - Picked this up on whim, and weirdly it seems more difficult and less intuitive than the original title, as if Bongfish ignored all the feedback they received.

I love it too, played a lot of it over the last month but I feel like there’s a pattern to how the game progresses that steers you either towards streaks of great scores or streaks of really terrible scores, using the same strategies. It’s like the game randomly decides to fuck you over a lot of the time. Maybe I’ve been playing it too much :)

Sim City 2000 and Covert Action, I’m “experimenting” with DosBox so I wanted to check if my SC2000 still works (it does and is still awesome) and wanted to check Covert Action for first time, a game I found really interesting.

Well, the number drops are of course random, as in any falling blocks game, and what you can remove depends on what blocks have already dropped and where you put them. I haven’t seen any distinctive patterns in the falling numbers, so trying to design any kind of strategy to get a streak of great scores with the right numbers seems self-defeating. I just try to build different patterns so I can fit in whatever might come, and combo scores are a bonus.

Mud and Blood 2 and Gladiator Begins.

I had some fun with in LotRO and studied a few Go problems with a Japanese program for the DS.

– Cookroach (munching cookies)

Neverwinter Nights(Deluxe Edition)

After a slightly disappointing game start, my level 13 Ranger and myself are having a blast, they just don’t make games like these anymore.

LotRO yesterday evening, like every evening pretty much, and new and shiny Aralon during the commute.

I played Super Meat Boy for what was meant to be 15 minutes before working out and ended up being 45. Damn that game. I had a brief go at Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box with the lady as we were winding down before bed.

Finally, I spent about thirty seconds just before bed with Metro 2033 checking it worked after a spot of mucking about with a rogue PhysX installation. My character spent the time out my control, climbing a rusty ladder whilst staring up at his comrade’s khaki-clad buttcheeks. Way to craft a compelling opening, guys.

What’s with all the Just Cause 2 suddenly?

I played a few rounds of Black OPS last night, Hardcore Team Deathmatch like almost every night. Some moves in Words with Friends HD on my iPad on the subway. That’s about it.

JC2 is $7.50 on Steam for the next 6 hours is what.

Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic.

Funny thing is, I couldn’t remember that is what I was playing barely an hour ago until prompted by the windows explorer window. Brain = dead, and thus the reason for why I quit.

Also, is this the new thread to pad our postcount?

Played Left for Dead 2 The Passing chapter with friends yesterday, but even after 2 tries we were not able to get through those damn sewers…that tunnel there is just brutal.

Also playing Prototype, which I really really like and it really surprised me. I played just about all open world games out there (JC2,AC2,GTA4, RFG, RDR…) and this one is just as much fun as the others.