What were you thinking?! - A retail employee's rant

Customers don’t trust customer service people to give them an honest answer without trying to sell them something they don’t need, and customer service people don’t trust customers to clearly communicate what they really want without trying to pull a fast one.

Then take into account that the average person can barely utter a complete sentence without going “um”, let alone clearly articulate what’s really on their mind, and it’s a wonder anything ever gets done properly.

Only three more years and I’m out. I know whatcha mean about the old guys. My co-worker (before he was fired) would try to sell you the store if you came in looking for a battery. He was like 70, and he refused to take advice from the manager on how to sell, because the manager was younger. Freakin’ old man sales associate…

I think the difference is that I didn’t actually karate chop those kids in the thorax one by one. Instead, I fumed a bit and walked away, because hitting kids is wrong. As opposed to opening my own siite where I went online, lied about having picked each one up by their bulging necks and squiggling ankles and breaking them into quadrapelegia over my knee, one after another. Then maybe rushing to message boards where such lies were being criticized and endlessly re-affirming the validity of my own make-believe actions.

For the record, those kids were Travelers, which are basically roaming Irish irreprobates who have bizarrely been granted indigenous status under Irish law. Even the adults tend to be criminals. If you don’t know what I’m talking about: Brad Pitt was a Traveler in Snatch, which was a pretty glamorous depiction of the lifestyle. Driving up the highways in Ireland, it is not uncommon to suddenly come across a 500 yard long stretch of filthy road where dozens of trailers are parked in the breakdown lane, garbage strewn everywhere (including absestos, which the Travelers get people to pay them to take away, then just dump wherever they are living that week and leave it behind them when they go) and an entire tribe of Travelers, including the elderly, flinging tin cans at the passing cars. So I don’t think those kids can be faulted much either.

PS: Gord sucks.

I think it might be that society is too reliant on each other, to the point that people don’t think, they just ask someone else. So something as silly and basic as reading the big bold sign that says, “Batteries” turns into asking a retailler, “Where can I find the thinggy that makes my cd player go?” And that’s what pisses me off. It’s that people can’t do simple stuff on their own, and they tie up people that could be helping people that actually have intelligent questions.

WTF. Seriously, WTF.

“Retail is in a horrible state”
“We’re all living on credit”
“The average customer has an IQ of 15.7”
“Salesmen and customers are horrible examples of capitalism gone bad”

I don’t know what world you guys are inhabiting, because it bears absolutely no relation to this one, which we generally refer to as “reality”.

Who here has ever lost their keys in plain sight? Tried to fix a computer problem and realizing a cable is unplugged? Not been paying attention and made any kind of dumb mistake? Does that make you a stupid customer who needs to be beaten up or told off? I think not. Sure, there are occasional people who just don’t get it, but this thread is inane!

Maybe I just live in some perpetual island of good service that travels the nation with me, store to store and city to city, but I haven’t had a saleman try to scam me or ring me up for items he thinks I need but haven’t tried to purchase in years. I mean, here I am, Bitterman, going on rants about things that annoy me, but, for the love of Christ, people, I don’t believe the whole world is some kind of hobbesian state where the only saving grace is having a high opinion of your own intelligence and the ability to post about it on a forum filled with other nerds. News Flash: YOU are surely remembered in some clerk’s mind as pulling one of these stunts. And going off about people buying unneccesary products like PDA’s, big TVs, and cell phones (wtf), is just uncomprehensibly stupid. I sure hope you’re posting from work, instead of your yurt that doesn’t fall prey to these modern scams like climate control and indoor plumbing!

What a bunch of crap. Grow up, open your eyes, and shut the fuck up. So all you nutcases just go delete your posts and let the anecdotes go by without using them as basis for your sophmoric social theories. Thanks.

Bitterman rules.

I sure hope you’re posting from work, instead of your yurt

The word yurt makes me giggle like a schoolgirl who just witnessed an icky boy getting his pants pulled down 'round his ankles in the playground.

Don’t dis the yurts. I am a descendent of the barbarian horsemen of the asiatic plains and will write snide comments on message boards about you if you impugn my nomadic warrior past.


Thanks Bitterman, it’s nice to breathe some fresh air.

I generally side with Jon R. on topics like this. Some guy registers for the board and immediately unleashes a one-line thread that went something like “we should all have guns”, “i played UT2004 and thought that in itself was threadworthy”, and now this, and rather than raise any red flags, people quote it and say “yeah, everybody but us is an idiot!” and then go into another thread and lament the state of the boards.

Unlike Jon, I say it’s just entropy and there’s no sense posting in protest. With some exceptions ^^

Join the madness Jobe. You know in your heart you really want to.

I join it more often than most, but sometimes it feels good to post as if I never do. :)

What’s wrong with guns? And I didn’t post this thread just for the sake of posting a thread. And it wasn’t intended to say, “Everyone is stupid, except for me.” So don’t make assumptions. I posted it because I wanted to see if anyone saw my view from my perspective, and posted examples to show what I meant. I even went as far as openly saying that I wasn’t looking for critisizm, so don’t post any. I also have my own views and opinions, and the whole point of a message board is to post them as a way of expressing them. If you don’t like it, don’t post in it, don’t read from it. I’m not forcing you, so don’t bitch that it’s there. My opinion is my opinion, and I, just as you have, have posted my opinion. So if you don’t like when people post their own opinions, I think you’re in the wrong place. And everyone has had a day when you say, “Where is my pen?” When it’s on your ear, and I never said anything about people like that being stupid. So why don’t you read before you post, or better yet, be open to other’s opinions because they have just as much of a say as you do. So to all of you bitching about this thread, go find a hobby. Preferrably one involving something productive and non-bitchy.

Of course not. You posted it so you could vent on people you barely know with some rally cry that everyone’s heard before. How considerate.

I posted it because I wanted to see if anyone saw my view from my perspective, and posted examples to show what I meant.

Hid that motive pretty well, sport.

I even went as far as openly saying that I wasn’t looking for critisizm, so don’t post any.

Read: I was shopping for a 6-pack of Ego Boost for my crusades in retail and i had reasonable suspicions that i was being a retard, so i tried to cover my ass with a wholly ineffectual mission statement. For some reason i felt that people won’t call you on your bullshit when you tell them you don’t want them to.

I also have my own views and opinions, and the whole point of a message board is to post them as a way of expressing them.

The point of a blog is expression. The point of graffiti is expression. The point of a board is to communicate, first and foremost. NOT to make the lives of every newbie poster better by allowing them to spew out whatever they want willy-nilly.

If you don’t like it, don’t post in it, don’t read from it. I’m not forcing you, so don’t bitch that it’s there.

Tonight’s programming lineup has been changed to the following: Don’t like it, posting i don’t like it, eat shit and die.

My opinion is my opinion, and I, just as you have, have posted my opinion. So if you don’t like when people post their own opinions, I think you’re in the wrong place. And everyone has had a day when you say, “Where is my pen?” When it’s on your ear, and I never said anything about people like that being stupid. So why don’t you read before you post, or better yet, be open to other’s opinions because they have just as much of a say as you do.

He says immediately after playing the “if you don’t like it, don’t read it” card on someone else’s opinion on his judgement, or apparent lack thereof.

So to all of you bitching about this thread, go find a hobby. Preferrably one involving something productive and non-bitchy.

Something non-bitchy? As in, making bitchy topics venting on shit we’ve heard before multiple times?

Of course not. You posted it so you could vent on people you barely know with some rally cry that everyone’s heard before. How considerate.

I posted it because I wanted to see if anyone saw my view from my perspective, and posted examples to show what I meant.

Hid that motive pretty well, sport.

I even went as far as openly saying that I wasn’t looking for critisizm, so don’t post any.

Read: I was shopping for a 6-pack of Ego Boost for my crusades in retail and i had reasonable suspicions that i was being a retard, so i tried to cover my ass with a wholly ineffectual mission statement. For some reason i felt that people won’t call you on your bullshit when you tell them you don’t want them to.

I also have my own views and opinions, and the whole point of a message board is to post them as a way of expressing them.

The point of a blog is expression. The point of graffiti is expression. The point of a board is to communicate, first and foremost. NOT to make the lives of every newbie poster better by allowing them to spew out whatever they want willy-nilly.

If you don’t like it, don’t post in it, don’t read from it. I’m not forcing you, so don’t bitch that it’s there.

Tonight’s programming lineup has been changed to the following: Don’t like it, posting i don’t like it, eat shit and die.

My opinion is my opinion, and I, just as you have, have posted my opinion. So if you don’t like when people post their own opinions, I think you’re in the wrong place. And everyone has had a day when you say, “Where is my pen?” When it’s on your ear, and I never said anything about people like that being stupid. So why don’t you read before you post, or better yet, be open to other’s opinions because they have just as much of a say as you do.

He says immediately after playing the “if you don’t like it, don’t read it” card on someone else’s opinion on his judgement, or apparent lack thereof.

So to all of you bitching about this thread, go find a hobby. Preferrably one involving something productive and non-bitchy.

Something non-bitchy? As in, making bitchy topics venting on shit we’ve heard before multiple times?[/quote]

Dude, if you don’t like my response, then shove it, 'cause I don’t need another person like you to dance around with. I posted it so others can see my view, and so, a form of venting anger. I’m not venting on you, because that implies me yelling at you for something you did. Several people connected with that by telling their experiences, and so, completed what I wanted. And what the frick is with you attacking me? What, do you single out newbies in you spare time or something? Don’t jump down my throat just 'cause I’m a newbie, because there are plenty other posts out there like mine, done by veterans, and no one bothers them. Besides, this is how n00bs learn. So find someone else to get pissed at, ‘cause I don’t give a shit. Everything was fine and no one cared until you came in and started wiggin’ out, so go ruin someone else’s post. I even got tips from someone who was in my shoes. That helped, you however, are not. So please, let n00bs be n00bs, and like I said, don’t post in it if you don’t like it. Or at least, help out instead of be an annoyance. If you don’t like what I posted, send a p.m. and don’t be an ass. Instead of, “Stop bitching you annoying newbie!” Why don’t you try giving pointers, don’t rip apart my thread trying to embarass me by putting me down.

Jon R: Self Appointed Moderator.

What happened to the “Don’t be asses to each other” rule Tom/Mark setup after booting wumpus?


Captain Tenneal, I think part of the problem is that some people don’t wait on and go with a community’s flow before posting with reckless abandon. You’re one of those people, and a very natural reaction is to think “Who is this guy and why is he posting his every whim?” I got that same feeling when I first noticed that Gary Whitta had nine or ten threads on the front page of the Games forum and they were pretty much all one liners.

It would be nice to see other people challenge the frivolous posters with as much fervor as they attack the good and/or angry ones. It’s easier to tear down a post when somebody else has made all the effort, isn’t it?


Captain Tenneal, I think part of the problem is that some people don’t wait on and go with a community’s flow before posting with reckless abandon. You’re one of those people, and a very natural reaction is to think “Who is this guy and why is he posting his every whim?” I got that same feeling when I first noticed that Gary Whitta had nine or ten threads on the front page of the Games forum and they were pretty much all one liners.

It would be nice to see other people challenge the frivolous posters with as much fervor as they attack the good and/or angry ones. It’s easier to tear down a post when somebody else has made all the effort, isn’t it?[/quote]

This is exactly what I was talking about; getting your point accross without beating the shit outta the recipient. Thanks Trixie, I’ll keep the posts low so as not to annoy the more sensitive people. I didn’t think my whopping three threads would offend those guys, but hey, there’s nothing I can do. I’ll stick to replies for now…

Can I register a formal objection to using that goddamn Fisking style where you attack every single sentence with alternating quotes? Dear lord, it’s an eyesore.

It’s okay as long as the person doesn’t attack floating quotes out of context. The eye strain beats somebody writing one “witty” line in response to an entire page, and the latter is too often accepted as discrediting the original post.