White Gold (Boiling Point 2/Xenus 2) and Precusors with english patches

Just thought I’d reinforce this. I haven’t tried these at all but Wesp doesn’t do things by half, based on the outrageous amount of work he put into Vampire: Bloodlines. On that basis, I’d expect the English patch to be pretty solid.

It’s not. At this point it’s pretty much like Pathologic’s translation. Most NPCs are pretty much half translated, or read like they’re half translated, like it went through a babelfish translation and that was it.

I’m not complaining at all, I’m glad for it, but it’s pretty rough for the most part.

I believe that’s pretty much what happened: he dug out the partially finished translation in the game files, then ran the rest through an autotranslator. Which would still be an insane amount of work, really.

Got the game up and running and I like what I see so far. The only issue I have (no crashes so far) is my FPS will take a dive every 5-10 minutes. It usually clears up after 1-2 minutes but when it lags it is unplayable. Anyone else experience this?

Hooray, I just redownloaded and it is fine now, got a legit install finally.

BTW their HTTP ‘membership subscription’ costs like $1.65 or something for 30 days, MUCH faster download speeds (maxed out my connection, about an hour and a half for 6gb)

This also depends on the game. WG is much, much worse all around than precursors, both in translation and in general polish.

Benhur: Fiddle with the ini, game or engine setting ini or something has some additional precaching you can turn on. They should be in /users/public/ somewhere.

Just did my first off-planet mission. So awesome and tense.

I just can’t wrap my head around why a publisher wouldn’t localize this… it’s such a good game.

Yeah, WG has a much worse translation that Precursors. I have yet to run into any NPCs without well translated and non-gibberish dialog in Precursors.

That said, WG is totally playable still. I kind of like how surreal it makes the world when you just don’t understand some NPCs. Chalk it up to the fiction of the game, you’re on a foreign island, and some people you just don’t understand.

So are these really any good? I just have a hard time believing that the guys who made the barely playable Boiling Point were able to develop not one, but two insanely ambitious open world games in a few years?

They are good enough to climb backlog mountain

Tried Precursors.


Amazingly, yes. It’s kind of crazy how optimized and polished these games are compared to Boiling Point. Almost night and day difference.

Haven’t really had any problems with gameplay or bugs. Try it if you think you can get past a barebones translation.

So spoiler the crazy f’ed up space level was just a simulation and now I’m on Not Tatooine. I took pictures! (Scroll Lock)

This thing tried to sell me mushrooms, I was too scared to find out what it looks like stoned.

So yeah, this game is actually really cool seeming… I just need to find out how to turn the grain filter off and we’ll be golden.

Precursors looks like Morrowind with guns.

White Gold, at least, uses some of Morrowind’s sounds. Thwak. Thwak.

Has anyone figured out how to use the nightvision perk in Precursors?

And how do the weapon upgrades work? I bought something that makes my assault rifle degrade 50% less, but I don’t know how to use it. It weighs 0kg, so maybe just having it in the inventory is enough?

You’ve been so helpful with me, I’m glad I can return the favor. There are upgrade merchants who have to upgrade the weapons for you. There is one in the marketplace in Goldin spaceport. Buy your upgrades from the weapon merchant, then hoof it over to the upgrade tech at the market to install the weapon upgrade.

I’m bummed about this. I remember hearing about Precursors a year or two ago, and that they were doing a 360 version. I just went and looked it up, but it turns out that they officially announced it was canned last month. :(

Yeah, there are a lot of 360-specific entries in the .ini files.

Game would have worked great on a console as well