Who do I talk to about Chromehounds?

I’ve lost count over the years of the number of games that initially frustrated me immensely, then changed totally after I reached a certain tipping point and suddenly “got it”. Chromehounds was actually one of these games, and the QT3 community were really helpful in accelerating the arrival at the tipping point there.

But after this many years of gaming I’ve also developed a pretty good sense for when a game is just plain irritating to me and I’m not going to “get it” no matter how long I play. Presuming you have a similar sense, rely on that.


best taste of victory, evar:

I just entered a 1 vs 1. in the south cemo oil field. I’m seeing lots of missile hounds these days, so I take in my triple-countermeasured, quad-anti Hound rocketed, red, phallic, 169kph walker hound.

I run into a guy with double missiles and a limited shot sniper cannon. I guess he uses the sniper cannon to fool people into thinking he’s a long ranged fighter, then when they close in for the kill, he missiles them to death.

I move in for the kill. He missiles my countermeasures to death and runs out of ammo. He then proceeds to bleed on me until I put him out of his misery. He disconnects.


I’m guessing you use 3 counters because of ammo limitations? I can’t think of any other reason, it’s not like you can use more than one at a time. Has anyone seen a counter better than the Morskoj 10-use 93 accuracy one?

Oh yeah, has it ever been verified whether radiators help you against missiles? I’ve experimented but I haven’t seen any noticeable difference. It seems like the best way to avoid missiles is to just get yourself a fast hound.

Roger and I did some testing. Apparently, if someone shoots 3 homing missiles at you, countermeasures only distracts one of the missiles. The other two hit you. I haven’t confirmed this myself, but he says that having 3 on your hound means that all three are running at the same time when you pull that left trigger. So if someone shoots three homing missiles at you, each one is misdirected by each countermeasure.

Scouts work, bro. In fact, just last night I got completely schooled by a scout with nothing but 2 machine guns, a shotgun, and a rocket pod. He didn’t even use smoke. The guy just kept really close to me and ran circles around me so fast I couldn’t even rotate quickly enough to hit him – and I’ve got great rotation speed. If I changed direction in mid-turn, he would too.

It seemed like he’d rocket me a couple times as he approached, then when he got next to me he’d fire a machine gun volley, then shotgun, then machine gun, over and over, until I was dead. I use a howitzer and cannon combo, and whenever I tried to use the splash damage, I just ended up hurting myself worse. He won the match with like 18 frags. Pretty crazy stuff. Now that’s how you play a scout.

The only 1v1 I’ve won so far with my ghetto-hound has been completely by luck. I’m a complete noob at this point, and I had a hound with three bomb dispensers and a couple assault cannons. He definately was more soldiery and so when he started unloading on me I ran for it. He gave chase and finally cornered me.

Not having much to do I unloaded the bombs into the corner and started trying to dodge and hit him with my cannons. I figured it was only a matter of time before death, but he somehow managed to go stand right over the bombs as they exploded. I imagine he never figured out what hit him, since I certainly hadn’t done any appreciable damage to him at that point.

No, I use 3 counters so that I can deflect up to 3 missiles at the same time.

Like KONY says, each counter only deflects a single missile. You need more than one counter if you want any chance of surviving against a missile hound. Your hound fires as many simultaneous countermeasure pods as it detects incoming missiles.

Ooo. I just played a guy from Japan who blew off all my weapons in South Stanthorpe harbor, and then, after I jumped into the water in a last ditch effort to save my skin, DEPTH CHARGED ME WITH GRENADES.

My crew realized death was inevitable, and we scuttled the ship.

I sent him a message: DOMO ARIGATO. SAYONARA. And he sent back: ARIGATO!!! That was awesome fun.

That doesn’t seem to make sense… i thought you needed the left bumper to switch between secondaries, and activating one does just that: activates that one. I’m going to test it in a minute.

I have to sort of echo MrAngryFace in that Chromehounds is not impressing me so far.

I would love to join a qt3 squad, but neither of them comes up when I do a search.

The single-player is crap. It’s boring, spend-all-your-time-walking-around waste of time filler, with little bursts of shooting paper mache bad guys. And if you’re lucky, you might get to play the read-the-level-designer’s-mind game trying to figure out what the hell you’re supposed to do, exactly. There are some missions where that game is very hard to win.

As for multi-player, I log in and am treated to huge backlog of meaningless-to-me, templated messages that I can’t skip or rush through. Once I’m done wading through those, guess what… I can’t even play an interesting mission because I’m not in a squad. I try to join a squad, but it doesn’t work. My options in the supposedly superior online version of the game are, as far as I can tell, limited to once again walking around trying to find and kill paper mache enemies.

Is there a newbie guide anywhere that actually tells someone how to play, and preferably enjoy, this game?

I don’t mean the UI or controls. I mean actually getting into a freaking game and fighting against people and you know… having some fun.

I have never played a game in my life with so much potential, yet such a rediculously and pointlessly high barrier to entry.

Your countermeasures are linked together as a single secondary system. Enjoy your newfound freedom from missile hounds! :-)

Hiro, I hear-o what you’re saying (sorry, I know that was stupid). The single player frustrated me quite a bit as well. That is, until I actually read the breafing screen and listened to the NPCs, both of which outline in great specifics exactly what you need to do in order to complete the missions.

As for multiplayer, if you can’t find a squad to play with, you can create your own. That will give you access to the peristant war. You can then choose to play against humans or AI in battles that earn you more money and actually count toward a greater goal.

Again, I will extend the offer: If someone wants to join the non-QT3 squad I’m currently playing with, you’re welcome. We are currently in Sal Kar. The hard part is just being online at the same time so that I can make sure you get in. I’ll be playing in the morning Tuesday and possibly afternoon. Send me a message and I’ll give you the squad name.

Edit: Just a note, my squad has both rookies and advanced players, so there’s a good chance you’ll be playing with people of all skill levels not just “uber leet” that have been at it since the beginning.

Wow, that’s freaking awesome. That made me completely invulernable to missile hounds. I’m never deploying without a minimum of 2 counters now.

2.45 is full, and has been for a while. Don’t know about the QuarterToThree status, they might have a slot or two open, but people have to be online and in the lobby for you to be able to find the squad. Aren’t you in europe? It might be a better idea to find a squad that keeps the same hours as you.

The single-player is crap.

yeah, the Single Player is terrible. Tom’s original advice of “Don’t play the single player” is still true.

Hiro, I got your message right before I logged off. Sorry about that, if I had known you were trying to join the squad I would have popped back on for you.

QuarterToThree has three or four slots left open.

Also, single player isn’t that bad. You can get through it pretty easy and it’s worth it for the parts if nothing else.

Ah, well, the problem is that I just did a faction transfer away from Sal Kar last night, so I won’t be available to join them again for two weeks.

Nope, as my location: line shows to the left, I’m in Seattle.

No problem. I felt bad bothering you, since you’re basically a complete stranger. But you were the only qt3 person on my friends list that I knew was into Chromehounds…

I may add some more of you to my friends list to increase the likelihood that I’ll catch someone on that can invite me to a squad…

I just got an Xbox 360 yesterday, and I’m somewhat interested in getting this game.

How large is the user base online? Is the population thriving or hanging on for dear life? I would think a game like this has a smaller, but more dedicated base than your average game. I just don’t want to buy it and have everyone stop playing in a month.

None of my friends have an Xbox 360 yet and I don’t really know anyone on this board. Will people on here be willing to help me learn the game if I buy it? If not, are people on XBL generally friendly and accepting of newcomers or I will I be shunned for my noobness. Putting $60 down on a purely multiplayer game when your Xbox friends list is zero is somewhat risky.

I’m a friendly guy, Hiro, it’s no problem bothering me.

Maybe toooooooooo friendly. I might be on tonight for a bit. I’ll definately be on Wednesday.

Watch out for the cornhole, dude.

Yossarian79 and I had a great match last night against another two man squad. It was extremely tactical and close. It was all about ridgelines, flanking, angles of fire, using cover, and communication. I took out one of their guys, then the other guy took out Yossarian, then he and I battled it out in a town on tip of a cliff for about 5 minutes, both of us in flames and losing weapons. I almost got him to fall to his death over a cliffside when he realized his error and backtracked. Finally he blew up all my weapons so I tried to avoid him for a COMBAS victory, but I was too crippled.

It was such a good match both of them sent me a voice message afterwards thanking us for the close game.