Who's your Secret Santa in the 12th Annual QT3 Secret Santa Gift Exchange?

That’s Beaker. We had to re-home him. As much as I love him, I would end up bloodied before the end of a day. Parakeets are… easier. :)

Oh hell yes, that’s Peachfuzz!!

We need a Kellywand scream inserted into that post.

Delivery of part 2 was successful this time - thank you, Chris! Will break this out this weekend during our NHL 19 game night. Love that bottle too.

I didn’t want anything to arrive early given your warning about being away. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get Amazon to time everything to arrive on the same day due to the 1st not being a shipping/transit day. You should have all of the rest on Thursday! Merry belated Christmas!

Which was a good call, because FedEx ignored the normal procedure for the complex here and delivered to the door instead of office :)

It’s more her than me.

I’m perfectly content pet less.

I’d get a dog if I got anything.

I shall pass on your advice.

Yay! I hope you enjoy it.

They do a different bottle with a different creature each year.

So I had not one, but two!, packages today. And I’ve also learned that UPS will deliver to the office if no one is home, but Fed Ex will leave at the door. So, despite both coming from Amazon, one was at the office, the other at the door :)

Without further ado, the opening.

And now apparently my phone browser is saying I have no pictures, but they show in my photos. Restart, resuming briefly.

I’ll leave the big box for last, though it was first to open.

Hmm, interesting. Let’s see

Very cool! My son has a few of the Star Wars vehicles, got an AT-ST and AT-ACT version of these for Christmas. So these beauties will go nicely! I can’t waut to give them to him, and will post pics when I do on the 19th.

And my daughter will enjoy this. She loves fluffy things, baby dolls, and her brothers toys. So this hits the intersection of all three.

Finally the big package

Wow. I don’t know what to say. This is incredibly cool, and very on the mark. I hadn’t gotten into Legion, the unpainted minis and entry had kept me from jumping, but I have seen it around and it is very cool looking. I’ve even considered getting a few minis like the T-47 or AT-ST just to have, since they are gorgeous sculpts. Well now I have a reason to.

And get some paints. Looks like I’ll be hitting Juan and a few others up for painting tips. Even from just a models standpoint this has incredibly cool features, let alone when you add in the game aspect. Man, I can’t wait to hit the FLGS tomorrow at their Star Wars game night and start the journey.

Hooray! Glad you like the Legion game, @CraigM! I was a little nervous on that one.

There should have been a couple of dead-tree items in the boxes as well. Let me know if they didn’t make it!

Merry post-new-year’s-Christmas!

Ah, they have arrived.

Actually picked them up on my way out to the grocery store, so I will post this evening with… a demonstration ;)

And as promised…

So I got these as I was on my way out the door to go grocery shopping. I took a brief detour to open and

Well that was fortuitous timing! So I flipped open and scanned a few recipes vefore deciding on one for dinner. Only needed a few ingredients, namely coconut milk, but well spotted.

I do like to cook, and I particularly love soups, stews, chowders etc. Since I eat lots of veggies they are a great way to do so with lots of flavor. So this cookbook is about perfect.

the results

As for Brothers in Arms? I’ve never read any Bujold. But she has been on my list of authors to check out. I read many of the classics and big names of sci fi, but over the last few years I’ve been consciously seeking out to read authors from a broader background. Clark, Asimov, Heinlin, Bradbury et all are great, but let’s face it. They’re all from a very narrow subset of the demographic pie. So I’ve been reading more from authors like Anne Leckie, Octavia Butler, Ursula Le Guin, Liu Cixin And so on. So Lois was on my list.

@Editer you said this series is one of your favorites, so I look forward to reading it soon.

How did you like it? After all this excitement, I need closure!

So who is still waiting on stuff, just @Vesper ?

Surly Darkness was excellent! I drank about 2/3 of that bottle and got pretty darn tipsy while playing. My also sister in Lakeville confirmed how good it was when she overheard me talking w/ her husband about it over PSN.

Thanks again, will have to explore some darker beers around here now and compare.

I have a buddy from Minnesota who always gets Darkness every year. We had a tasting event where we did a vertical of 4 different years of Surly Darkness. It was amazing. I’m jealous man, that’s excellent beer.

Glad the cookbook was useful, @CraigM! I have never made soup from scratch. I should change that.

Had a heck of a time deciding which book would be a good entry to the Vorkosigan saga, and decided that Brothers in Arms was a good start since it sets up Mirror Dance, which was the first one I ever read. (And which made more sense after Brothers in Arms!)

Santa gift showed up today from @ddtibbs (I think). I’m blown away by the super generous gift! It’s a 4K Apple TV!

Sorry that I was difficult to stalk! But thank you so much!

Huzzah :-D

The thread, it continues to deliver, much as the goggles, zey continue to do nozzink.