Why do girls make V signs in photos?

Awesome :)

I am not sure where the serious question starts and then the sarcasm comes in…or maybe it is all sarcasm.

One explanation is “photo-bombing”. You jump in a shot with the peace sign to, ya know, get in the picture. Even if it is not being taken by someone you know, you still get to be in a picture.

I prefer the PHOON


I was 100% serious fwiw.

Spotted on an ad banner just now:

Roger, rent the movie “Kingpin” and fast forward to the last 2 minutes.


I struggle to imagine where you are… Surrounded by pictures of girls making the V sign… I’m not sure I want to know…

It means they’re handing out V-cards.

I now hereby approve the posting of further dino pics. Proceed.

“Yo K-Fed, the little man in the boat, he’s up here!”

Nothing’s worse than the duck lips.




I thought this was just a Japanese thing. Wasn’t there a post here long ago by some guy who retaliated against his compulsively V-flashing girlfriend by flashing the Vulcan salute in every photo?

And she retaliated against him by breaking up?

This calls for The Trachanoids: