Why do girls make V signs in photos?

Is the peace sign fingers out, and the v-sign fingers in? Or has it not become that refined yet?

Fingers-out means “table for two, please”.

Maybe they’re USC fans.

That’s just the new fad. It doesn’t mean shit.

The peace sign in photos is big with girls in Japan and South Korea, though that’s been the case for a long time.

Guys do it too, uhh, and stuff…


Maybe they’re just taunting the French by demonstrating they still possess fingers for bow drawing?

It’s a Scientology thing.


Reasonably SFW, but you might want to turn down the volume.

So hot, want to touch the hiney.

Is the hiney even legal?

What’s the little winky-tongue thing she’s doing? That’s odd.

Can’t tell, Asian women are blessed with looking young until they hit their 50’s. I mean that in a complimentary way.

That chick is eighty-five.