Why don't police use whips?

He’s special alright.

My understanding is that Jeff Speakman is the perfect weapon.

But if Jeff Speakman and Omega Red got in a fight, who would win?
My theory is that Jeff would win, based on his superior training montage which includes a soundtrack by Snap!

House Majority Whip . . .


Maybe when he says whip he means penis?

The only thing better than policemen with whips would be policemen on Segways with whips. They’d be like horseless chariots!

  • Alan

T-Rex DX keeps coming up with posts in earnest that I wish I’d come up with in jest.

Sir, you do not play nearly enough RPGs.

When I was a kid, a friend of mine had a whip, and we’d just watched some Indiana Jones. We went outside and he tried to whip a tree branch and swing over a gap in the riverbank.

Whip broke, he fell, I laughed.

I don’t trust rapiers.


The Rapier was so much better than the Scimitar it replaced.

The Raptor was the best, though.

I liked the Morningstar.

I’m obligated to point out the irony that “stupidest” is one of those words which were added to the dictionary only because stupid people wouldn’t quit using them. I usually ignore this, but you said it with such passion that I couldn’t resist.

I know jafd, and I know he used the word explicitly because of that.

Looks like we found jafd’s alt.

jafd has been on a roll lately.

I sure hope that wasn’t aimed at me, or pistols at dawn.

I’m busy dawn. Can you do lunchtime?

There’s just something about raptors.