Windows 10

Renaming, it would be replaced with an update. I tried that security policy and it didn’t work-- the lock screen came back after being locked for 30 seconds or so, it was really weird.

Have you experienced the lock screen returning for the task scheduler approach?

Isn’t renaming/deleting the app effectively the same as setting a registry key value? You can do both in the task scheduler and create a state going forward where it shouldn’t be displayed. If it comes to this approach, ideally there would be some validation like fetching the key from the registry and identifying if the filename is still the same, and then doing the rename/delete. I’ll see what happens with further updates before I proceed with looking into it.

No, the task scheduler approach works 100%-- except when you reboot your computer.

Is there a way to disable the sound Windows 10 makes when you exit? In Windows 7 I’d go into the Sounds menu, and there was a Windows start sound you could assign and a Windows exit sound you could assign, but I don’t see those events listed in the Sounds menu in Windows 10.

Err, Win10 doesn’t have a shutdown sound.

Learn something new everyday!

Then again, my Win10 PC more or less never shuts down except in the [exceedingly rare] case of a hard lockup or mandatory updates at 4AM.

How do I know if I have the Anniversary update installed? Is it the kind of thing where it automatically updates you?

I have my PC set to auto update, but it’s not clear to me if I got the Anniversary update or not. How would I tell?

Just type system info into the search (cortana) and it will bring up what version of the OS you are running. It should say build number 10.0.14393 and version 1607.

I had to force windows to update to the Anniversary version, it didn’t do it automatically for some reason.

I don’t have that version yet and nothing has seemingly changed since I first installed, so I guess I also somehow missed the anniversary update?

It just started rolling out last Tuesday. It’ll take some weeks / months for it to automatically go to everyone.

I had to manually update by clicking on the “Learn More” link on the Check For Updates screen.

Also, I had to manually disconnect wi-fi after the download to get the install process working correctly. I have no clue why I had to do that but googling the error message provided that as a potential solution. Had to perform that disconnect step on all three of my Windows 10 computers.

If you’re not seeing it in Windows update yet, that’s probably intentional. There are some signals which block the upgrade due to known compatibility issues and such which can be circumvented by using the manual method. So I’d recommend just waiting if you don’t see it yet.

Thanks lordkosc! I don’t have that version. How did you kick off the manual install? I know Windows update downloaded something the last time I checked, but it’s not clear to me how to kick it off.

UPDATE: Ah, never mind @lordkosc I think I will just wait for it to appear. Who needs extra hassle, right?

Ah, good enough for me.

Has anyone else seen the Run menu take much longer in Windows 10 anniversary? I press winkey+r and it takes every bit of three full seconds to come up. I just counted!

This is… not good. It’s new to the update.

Also, can I suggest we create a Windows 10 Post-Anniversary-Update topic? I hate these giant chat megathreads that go on for a decade where you can’t ever find any damn thing.

My start menu behavior’s always been janky as fuck, but I suspect it’s a disagreement between Start10 and DisplayFusion causing the issue. Alas, if only the base software provided those features on its own I could avoid the whole deal. . .

Just to be clear for someone who willingly chooses pain:
My update (on a non-SSD drive) took me about 2 1/2 hours from the start of the download to finishing.

It is instant for me. Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393.

There’s somewhere between 350-400 million PCs that are running Win 10 now. It’ll take weeks for the Anniversary Update to roll out to all of them.

Specifically, not because of load, but because of caution. Like I said it’s intentionally blocked for some people until there’s more data confirming things are going well. Then the floodgates will be opened.

You’ll probably be fine if you force it now, but if you don’t see it now you’re better off just waiting.