Windows 10

Wow, that sounds wonderful. Mine took 4 hours plus. But the longer I use this HP laptop I suspect that the hard drive is the slowest one they could put in it.

Instant here for Run using the shortcut. Same version (14393).

Thanks, that’s good to know. Much appreciated!

Mine showed up last night!

It said, “Hi, we’ve updated your computer. All your files are…”

Anyone know what things can “stop” an automatic update reboot from happening on Education/Enterprise edition?

I commonly schedule my reboots–say, at 2:45AM–and come back the next day to find the PC saying that the restart failed to occur and I need to reschedule.

Generally, when this happens, I have stuff running–Pidgin, Steam, Whatpulse, Greenshot, DisplayFusion–but just the kinda stuff that you let run in the background. Oh, and a browser window.

But I’m not there sitting around and interacting with it. It’s not prompting me for permission to reboot, is it? If so, why does it always suggest times when it thinks I won’t be at the PC?

If you’re in enterprise or education you can still use all the same Windows update group policies which have existed forever. On phone so I can’t get it now, but you can schedule specific install and restart times, disable automatic reboots entirely, etc.

Stuff which I wish consumers could still do :-/

I appreciate the reply, and definitely in the same boat (and I bought Education partly because of all this), but issue seems to be that when I do schedule an update to my preference. . . it fails to initiate because “something” keeps the system from rebooting as I ask it to. I’m just trying to figure out what that might be.

Is it obvious when you get this update or does it look like other updates? I think over the weekend, maybe, when I shut down it said it had updates to apply, and then when I booted back up the next day it was just my normal windows desktop. I assumed they were normal patches and not this anniversary mega patch. Unless it makes a point to tell you, then I have no idea if I have that update or not.

Does this one also undo all the shutup 10 configuration changes?

Weird. So it tries to reboot but something blocks it?

Good sense?

I kid, I kid! :P

That’s basically what it says. I don’t have exact text in front of me, sorry. But yeah, pc is idle (but unlocked) for hours ahead of these attempts, but it fails to restart anyway, as though something is actively “using” the PC. I suspect it’s a program I’m running, but dunno. I can manually initiate updates just fine, but it’d be nice if the PC could take care of that on its own while I sleep.

AKA, I’m having the exact opposite problem MOST Windows 10 users are in that my PC just won’t reboot randomly to update itself ;-)

Yeah, I can empathize.

If you’re able to get more specific info about what’s happening, feel free to PM me the details and include the specific group policy configurations you’re using. I can pass along a note to the team to see if they have any ideas.

Not all, but some of them yes. You will need to download it again and reapply a bunch.

Woke up today and all of those cute shortcut arrows were back. Yay! Time to unfuck stuff.

One way to know you updated to the anniversary edition: you removed the Windows Store icon from your taskbar and now it’s back! Nice try, Microsoft, nice try.

I’m not getting duplicate results in the notifications window anymore. Not yet at least. So that’s ONE good thing (see what I did there?).

Spoke too soon!

Stupid Cortana notifications.

Stupid Ms, losing twice in one night!

Amazing new feature in the Anniversary update: the built-in calculator is now resizable and shows a memory/history pane on the right if the window is big enough. Take that, haters!

That’s always been there!

It’s just that the anniversary update fixed some bugs where universal apps didn’t remember how you resized them or didn’t launch at all.

Yeah, the calculator always had those features.