Windows 10

Something odd I just discovered - Facebook on Chrome. under Windows 10, gets slower and slower until it’s pretty much unusable for me. I did some searching, did some cmd line stuff, worked for just a short time. Then it was slow again.

Randomly found someone recommend turning off Hardware Acceleration in Chrome settings. Seemed anti-intuitive to me. But I just tried it and, for me, Chrome is now MUCH snappier and quicker.


Apparently chrome on windows just got a major update with much needed improvements

My Surface Pro 3 updated to build 14393.105 and now the fan is running continuously even when it’s sitting idle. Looking at the Task Manager I see the CPU is running at 3.10 GHz even on battery power. I hope this is fixed soon.

Well, I’m still seeing Facebook slow down over time in Chrome with Windows 10. Doesn’t seem to have the same problem with Facebook or Edge. Ugh

Guess it is time to pay attention to what kind of hardware you are buying if you intend to stay away from Windows 10 and stick to the still -kinda- supported Windows 8.1, or switch to something better.

Suppose you could buy new hardware and install a variation of Linux, then run Win8.1 in a VM that would still play “all” (many, suppose some DRM stuff would break) your games.

Interesting that the hardware manufacturers and Microsoft are colluding to try and force people who upgrade their hardware to downgrade the OS at the same time, can not recall this ever being an issue with hardware/OS versions before – but then again, there never was an issue regarding a new Windows version before either (Although I suppose people wanted to avoid Vista/Win8 for performance/UX reasons).

What fresh hell is this?

Both my work and home PC’s today restarted while I was in the middle of using them with no warning of any sort. I see some updates were installed. Great, thanks for the heads up? I did some research and all the results I see for “disallow Windows 10 automatic restarts” point to images that no longer resemble the Windows Update screen - and no one else seems to have noticed this last update just forces a reboot even if you are in the middle of typing an e-mail.

Has anyone else experienced this yet? IS there a way to stop Windows 10 from just rebooting when it feels like it?

Happened to me, too, as I was going through a document while on a conference call. It had better have been a very important update.

Yes, there is. #2 in the link below.

At work on Friday morning, I found my computer had upgraded to Windows 10, the big anniversary update. And when I tried to start Quickbooks, as soon as it loaded any company file, it crashed immediately. I didn’t tie this into the update until I did some google searches and found a lot of people having problems with older versions of Quickbooks not loading company files with the new Anniversary update of Windows 10.

So I rolled back the Anniversary Update.

And hey! I can use quickbooks again. So just a heads up. If you use Quickbooks, and are like most small businesses that don’t buy the latest version, stay away from the new Windows update.

Thought they forcibly installed updates, or have they relented now?

I just got the update. The timing was annoying as I found it in the middle of the update when I wanted to do some online banking. It eventually finished. I started using the updated OS and the task bar and windows menu speed responding although Chrome browser and another program I had open were both still responding. After rebooting, things seemed to have cleared up. The only oddity I have encountered so far is that the sound icon appeared to have disappeared. But when I went to the settings to enable it, it showed it was enabled but the icon for it showed as blank.

Rock8man, which version of Quickbooks are you using? I won’t let my work laptop update to Win10 out of concern over this.

We are using Quickbooks 2011.

Our accountant keeps telling us we should upgrade for the Quality of Life improvements, but we figure we’re getting by with this older version just fine so we’ve stuck with it so far.

I’m pretty sure the Anniversary update is causing some kind of problems with the audio drivers which is making the Windows notifications freeze when they pop up and won’t disappear until you restart the computer. It’s really pissing me off.

Ever since I upgraded to 4K and a GTX 1080 I’ve been having a slew of weird issues. They include -

Intermittent laggy mouse (key word being “intermittent”)
{Registry Hive Recovered} Registry hive (file): ‘\SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE’ was corrupted and it has been recovered. Some data might have been lost. (Fun!)
General instabilities probably related to the above
Multiple services crashing - (Good thing this only affects Windows 7! pfft)
WoW hanging and becoming unresponsive – which could be completely unrelated, who knows

Chkdsk and sfc report no issues, of course.

Think I have to give the Anniversary Update another shot.

Hah, computer knew I was going to upgrade it, so it killed itself.

The endless loop of “Diagnosing your PC”. Putting a little bit of text in there to say if it was actually doing something was apparently too much work.

Safe mode would be nice, but I guess that’s gone unless you can boot into full mode first, which sort of defeats the purpose.

Fun times. I have been using the same base computer as my main now since 2011 which has been both nice and depressing at the same time. I miss my biannual CPU/MB upgrades, don’t miss crazy troubleshooting sessions.

I just, hopefully, disabled Windows 10 automated reboot with a simple Task Scheduler disable. It’s been getting more and more aggressive. Before it would give me a couple of days notice now it’s just rebooting the same night, losing me work if I put it to sleep and don’t/can’t save a certain app. Whoever thought this shit was acceptable needs to take a long walk off a short pier into shark infested waters.

Further exacerbating the issue is they released an update which won’t install on my machine, causing a rollback. They know about the issue but it still hasn’t been fixed a week+ later and it was causing my machine to reapply and rollback the change every single night.

Hah, that first time I encountered a Windows Server 2012 telling me I have less than fifteen minutes before it restarts without an option to abort while dozens of users are logged on. Fun times, Microsoft.

I don’t know why anyone would use windows as a server. It’s a piece of shit compared to linux-- the only advantage is all the GUI admin tools.

Exchange isn’t a reason either. Exchange suckles goat balls.

When we use Windows it’s because that’s what the application requires. I manage hundreds, never had one install updates and reboot without my control, but there’s probably a GPO out there that says something about it.

2012R2 is fine as a server.