Windows 10

I love Listary! Highly recommended.

Thanks, Windows 10.

Did you ask for that? Also, GoW 4 is 133 Gig?!

There apparently is a patch but it seems to be re-downloading whole game instead of applying differentially.

I’ve downloaded Forza Horizon 4 three or four times since buying it last month. I tried the free trial of their Game Pass, too, but I couldn’t even download Gears of War 4, because the Microsoft Store won’t let me install it to the drives on my computer that actually have the free space on them for a game that size.

The Microsoft Store is not great for gaming.

I had a list somewhere of all the shitty UI problems I had with MS Store maybe I should submit to Feedback Hub for MS to ignore.

Maybe if you use a sensationalist title like “WINDOWS STORE DELETED ALL MY FILES” they’ll read your feedback. Oh wait, yeah, probably not.


I did, foolishly, press the “Get updates” button of my own free will.

The update is now available to all, I believe. Via Win10 directly, not having to grab it via external means.

Wow yep, downloading now. Everyone cross all your appendages!

This is taking a very long time to install.

Success! I think. Everything is booted and nothing weird happened with my graphics or network drivers.

My policy is only install feature updates 3 months after it is in the wild. By then the kinks has been resolved, and stability has been proven.

Meanwhile I get a fancy new clipboard and clipping tool that I’ll be using while you luddites suffer with 1803. Suckers!

That new clipboard and your post totally convinced me. I will now risk my system stability and ditch 1803. Thank you good sir.

I don’t even have the option. I guess that means something is not up to date or something.

Dark mode File Explorer got my friend to clean install 1809.

Just did the update here. No problems.

Mine went last week.


I so with the Windows team would talk to the Visual Studio Code team to understand what we really want as a dark mode. (Hint: not pitch black)

There is a fancy new clipboard? Is that why Ditto started crashing randomly on me? Hrm, looks like it. Found a beta version of Ditto, hopefully it will fix the issue. I tried the built in version and while it’s better than nothing it suuuuucks compared to Ditto.

What is the advantage of creating a microsoft account? I was making a new user and after figuring out how to do it without creating a microsoft account, I was wondering if I was missing out on anything important by not having one.