Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Nioh 3 Kingdoms

I’m at the last boss now but haven’t finished it yet. The game didn’t hold a candle to Nioh 2 for me but it was okay, here’s some random rambling thoughts.

I found the combat to be pretty good but with a couple major asterisks. I played this game 90% in co-op (not talking about summoning players for help) and things just don’t come together well there, not compared to Nioh 2. With the extra visual clutter of another player (or two) and the fact that bosses will sometimes switch targets in mid-animation, it made it hard to read a lot of the times. And reading the moves is so important when it comes to a game system that revolves around deflect/parry so much. This is made a lot worse because of how floaty everything is. My friend described the game as “Martial Arts on Ice” because it felt like everyone is fighting on an ice rink. This gets so annoying in co-op, because one player applies pressure to an enemy and they’re just sliding around everywhere, making the other players miss with most of their martial arts, spirit attacks, etc. It was just annoying to constantly deal with.

Another issue I had in co-op is that it seems (I don’t know for sure) that they’ve inflated the enemy spirit gauge? Maybe it’s just supposed to be like this aside from some of the earlier bosses that I was doing solo, but we go through the majority of boss fights with only getting a single opening for a fatal blow. This made some of the later bosses – including our two attempts at the last boss – really annoying when they’re just zipping around the screen everywhere. And again, with the bosses changing targets rapidly, the other player is typically just frantically chasing the boss around until it does a 360 no-scope in mid animation and hammers them. In single player and “summon help” MP, it seems like openings could be created when countering red attacks sufficiently, so I’m wondering if they inflated the spirit gauge value for co-op. Which doesn’t really work, because of the ice skating and rapid movement. You’re not getting 200% spirit damage on enemies or bosses, particularly since only one person can be countering red attacks.

So as a co-op experience, while I’m glad they added it, I found it had some issues that detracted from the experience. Ultimately, it felt like the counter system wasn’t working well in co-op, and it’s kind of the core the combat is built around. 100 out of 100 times, I’d take the Nioh 2 ki system over this.

Lastly, builds/gear are boring as fuck to me. Taking a wait-and-see on this one since I only experienced Nioh 2 with all the DLCs, but even early-game Nioh 2 I had tons of interesting things to play with. Lots of useful ninjutsu/onmyo abilities, Yokai abilities were awesome --that ability that you get from the snake boss (third boss) carried me through some tough parts in the early game. So satisfying to use. I didn’t find a single martial art or wizardry spell to be anywhere near as fun. In co-op, it felt like the most effective ability by far was the standard light attack since the windup times on spells or martial arts would often mean that enemies were pushed out of reach, and all it did was leave you with depleted spirit and an opening for something to smack you. That gets pretty boring and one-note fast, at least it did for me.

Oh, and the absolute worst thing about co-op this go-around? Map progress doesn’t save. So you know how farming up morale and getting the flags can kind of be a chore? Well, imagine getting 90% of the way through the level, opening some shortcuts, having most of the flags down, and then getting disconnected (which happened frequently, unfortunately). Gotta start over from scratch, 0 morale and at the beginning of the level. In Nioh 2 I could just go to a nearby shrine and continue, I don’t know why they screwed it up here. I think it was probably 80% of main campaign maps (some of which are pretty large!) we had at least one disconnect. Sometimes more than one. It was very tedious, and while I have mixed feelings on morale overall, I absolutely hate that anemic wizardry abilities are locked behind it. Especially since you can only slot 4? In Nioh 2 I could slot 12 and I wish I could do something similar here. Did I miss a way to do that?

Anyway, I wouldn’t go so far as to call it disappointing, but it’s in the neighborhood. There were definitely some cool aspects to the game, but I felt that as a co-op experience it just didn’t work. I’m still going to keep my eye on the game as the DLCs come out, but I’m kind of out of steam on the game before even beating it. Hopefully the DLCs add some cool build variety at least, I think that and co-op have been the most disappointing aspect of the game for me thus far.

Sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy co-op. Last night I started having a little more fun with the “builds” by really taking a look at some of the martial arts I had ignored before. It’s a lot of fun to work them into combat for style. Light attack spam might be more efficient, and that’s what I mostly did my first time through, but it’s fun to expand my options now that I understand how to play the game.

Now the problem is there are too many good martial arts, which goes to show the system they’ve created is too simplistic. I’m probably going to run two of the same weapon to swap between them as needed. And I’m sticking with dual swords because I feel like the new martial arts change my play style enough to keep things fresh.

I’m at 31 hours now, just starting NG+. So far I don’t mind replaying the levels. It’s amazing how small some of them are when you’re running through the levels.

I probably sounded more negative than my overall take on the game was, since I’m just coming off a weekend full of frustrating disconnects and other issues. Plus sleep disruption from daylight savings is probably making me cranky, haha! I bought the deluxe edition that comes with the DLCs and don’t regret it, still planning on checking them out when they release.

I ignored martial arts for the first 2/3 of the game but I spent the last third trying to work them in. Wasn’t successful due to the issues mentioned in my previous post, but I really want to like them. I got that staff from Hong Jian (sp) that lets me shoot fireballs with it which was pretty cool in theory but in practice was pretty disappointing. I’m likely not built right for it, though, so I can’t really say for sure.

I really do think they need to add at least one extra “tab” of Wizardry spells (for slotting, I mean). With the morale system limiting access to spells and the fact that a lot of monsters are practically immune to certain elements, I want to be able to swap things around easily. I appreciate the ease and ability to respec, but I really don’t want to set up and maintain a dozen different loadouts to change throughout the levels. Much easier if I could just swap between spell “hotbars” like I could in NIoh. I think if I could have more stuff slotted at once, I would have engaged with the element countering system more. As it is, it was also something I largely ignored unless it happened on accident.

Is it a “regular” martial art that can appear on all of them or one of those unique martial arts? Which one is it, and how does it change up your playstyle (I haven’t played with dual swords)?

My first time through was around 40 hours. Second time was 30.
I tried it on Gamepass, and liked it enough to pick it up on Steam, since I know I will want to crush through the DLC as well when it comes out.

My first playthrough I used the White pole, almost all Wood, and some metal/water. This was easy peasy mode. The White pole and all the staffs really are great weapons. I used the healy dragon as my beast 100%.

Second playthrough I did Water and a lance and had fun with that as well. This time thorugh I had much of the mechanics down better, so I used a water based beast, and the square+X mode a lot more. I needed less healing, so that opened up my wizardry a bit more which was nice. I still ended up basically with the same thing I’ve seen practically everyone run though:
1 projectile spell, 1 defense spell, 1 weapon buff, 1 resource spell (I used the +Beast spirit one).
I feel like venturing off this path you REALLY need more buttons.

I’m now using Beckoning Pine, which is a side dodge with iframes and then an attack from behind. So now I’m using that martial art in some cases instead of trying to parry everything. Big sweeping attacks will catch it so it takes the right moment. The funny thing is I used to think this was a terrible art and avoided it on every weapon I found. I didn’t actually try it against a real enemy.

I also have Sudden Tornado on there, which is a quick jump forward and spin attack. Before I didn’t have a gap closer so I’d have to run after enemies that jumped away from me.

Those two seem to work well against humanoids, but I feel like they lack some meat for large bosses. I love using Skyward Evergreen on the big lightning midboss toward the end of the game. Right in his belly. Now I’m trying to find a weapon that pairs that with Blossom Stream, which is like those old attacks in Nioh where you hold the button to stand in one place and do a flurry of strikes until you run out of stamina. I think it would be perfect for those rare cases where they’ve made an enemy who can be stunned briefly but isn’t out of spirit, so you’re not missing the critical strike. Plus it’s just fun to do.

I still haven’t figured out magic though.

Just gonna throw this out there:
Plum Rend is best rend.

That’s another one I thought was stupid. Why would I want to go away from an enemy? I want to hit it and parry it! But I saw on reddit someone suggested pairing it with a gap closer martial art.

There’s one called Bamboo Sever that I don’t think I’ve ever seen on a weapon (I don’t check all of them) that looks like a quick hop attack that seems pretty awesome and would pair well with Plum Rend.

So there are 5 or 6 martial arts I’d like to use on a single weapon. They give you room for two.

Using two arts in a combo is another thing I never considered because I wanted to save my spirit for spirit attacks. Now that I’ve upgraded other stats besides HP and carry weight, and I gain and preserve spirit a lot better, the combat system feels a bit more balanced.

To be clear, Plum Rend (I believe) is the dual halberd move which causes you to sidestep, and then spin towards the enemy.

It’s super effective in that it’s a dodge, and a big hit. It’s great for sliding around enemies and getting behind them.

That’s Beckoning Pine.

Plum Rend is a quick strike and then you jump backwards in the air away from the enemy.

Ah, I had them reversed.

In that case, beckoning pine is best.

Other than forgetting where I was going in the current level, my time away didn’t seem to really screw with me being able to make progress. I just made it to part 5, so it looks like I still have a ways to go. Hopefully Nioh 2 goes on a good discount during the spring sale so I am tempted to pick it up.

I figured out the panda I was missing, so I’m done with the stupid untracked collectible achievements. Now I can enjoy the game with the OCD part of my brain satisfied.

I have a new nemesis - Zhang Liao.

He doesn’t seem like he should be that hard, but he’s kicking the crap out of me.

He was tough! I also hated the sub mission where you fight 3 bomb tossing bisses at the same time…

I ended up doing a morale run and got it up to 25, and then he wasn’t bad. I was initially fighting him when i was at 17 morale and he was at 20. I wish I wasn’t stubborn and raised my morale sooner :-)

This game feels like it is sooo long. I just reached Part 6. The gamepass app says I played 2 days and 10 hours. I’m guessing 5-10 hours of that is idle time. I must really suck. How Long to beat says 25 hours for the main story and 41 for completionists. I’ve skipped around 5 of the side mission maps too.

How long
So long
Wo Long

Arrrrg Liu Bei
After my first 5 fights with him, now he seems like the most difficult I faced. Dodging / parrying his stuff seems impossible. I’ve gotta be so close to the end too.

Once again getting my morale up to 25 saved me and I made it past. It kinda feels like cheating. I didn’t think it was going to help me enough this time because I was having to much trouble parrying.

Anyone remember what your level was towards the end? I’m level 83 when the recommended level for this map is 85. On most maps it didn’t seem to hamper me too much being a couple levels down.

I think by that time I was about 10 levels over. I ended at 115 I think? but I am sure I was well over the recommended. For me the boss I struggled with the absolute most … is still coming up for you =) Hang in there!