Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - ARPG, CryEngine

Yeah, hopefully. People seemed to have cooled on this pretty quick.

I hit it hard and got a lot of playtime out of it (I think around 90 hours?) But the endgame was not super appealing. I will give them props for trying to improve the game post launch.

Yeah, bugs and all, I had fun with it for a while.

Wolcen felt like the foundation of something good was there, I’m glad they are supporting it.

Me too…some of the end Chapter bosses are REALLY unbalanced and crazy tough, so that sorta ruined it for me.

I suffered through continuous hard crashes and beat the story, but with no enjoyable endgame and no fix for the amd fx crashes I bailed.

It ran poorly for me and I was waiting for the controller support they were adding. Any word on that? I’m guessing it’s a lot further out now than they initially stated…

Big update is out, seems they are planning a few of these:

If anyone tries it and it’s great let me know, my gaming time is busy with the new Warhammer expansion and then Cyberpunk will be upon us but I do kind of have an itch for an ARPG. If they gave you something fun and rewarding to do at the endgame that would be nice.

Get Last Epoch, which has an 0.8 release…today I think? Its way better and the best of those in circulation currently.

That’s a big patch but I’ve been waiting for the balance changes since February. It took them 10 months to get 1.1 out the door. They may be the slowest developer I’ve seen, the Early Access period was the same.

I like the changes I’ve read but I feel like I moved on from this game a long time ago.

Oh right, I forgot all about this game. Thanks for the resurrection.

So was this game really well done? Is it closer to Grim Dawn or Diablo 3 or Path of Exile or Warhammer Martyr?

Hmmmm, thanks guys. I might put it on my wishlist and wait for more patches.

Waiting for more patches is probably a lost cause. The game never stopped being janky and the big new update didn’t help with that (although it did help in some other ways)

As Kevin said, this developer just doesn’t have the technical skill or efficiency to successfully carry out a long term service plan.

I think if you go in expecting to play through the campaign, mess around in the postgame for a few hours, then put it away forever it’s a fine game. Not every loot ARPG needs to be a game you can play forever. Most of the community rage around the game is based on expectations it’s going to be updated like Path of Exile or Diablo 3 - admittedly expectations the developer encouraged - but it’s just not going to happen.

I’d say a mix of Diablo 3 and Path of Exile. I enjoyed the game but abilities were completely out of whack and not balanced at all. I don’t mean balanced as in a competitive equivalence, I mean that only a handful of abilities and only particular stats were effective. That looks to be addressed in this update but it’s the sort of thing I would expect to be addressed in the first couple months of release, not almost a year later.

If you haven’t played the game and are feeling like an ARPG I think it’s a fun playthrough.

Really having completed it my biggest issue was it is a little bit generic and forgettable, as I can’t remember much about it. I went to replay it a few months ago for something to play and kill some time with and couldn’t get back into it.

Now, I do also find myself getting further and further from ARPG games lately, where they just seem almost MMO like in their repetativeness rather than finding them highly replayable and fun like I used to. Maybe as I play more and more actual rogue-like/lite titles ARPG’s don’t hold the same appeal? I’m not sure what is going on with me and ARPG’s - hopefully the genre doesn’t go the way of fighting games for me, something I used to love and now I never enjoy - so take my opinions with a big grain of salt if ARPG’s are still your jam.

This comparison really hit home with me. I’ve been drifting away from the ARPG genre, and I’ve been experiencing the same “Is it me or is it you?” dilemma that I’ve still never resolved with the fighting genre.

If I had to guess, I’d say the turning point in both cases came when I stopped playing the genre with IRL friends.

Is it? Every time I see gameplay of this it looks so generic and the skills seem very bland

Last Epoch has been a no-go for me because the Early Access rollout seemed… not great? It’s missing core features like co-op right now and is more expensive. Or I can wait and buy it for cheaper when they have standard functionality in. I uh, think I’ll wait? Maybe they’ve changed up their plans since then but that’s what turned me off at the initial release.

I’m not all about the eye candy or anything either but it looked pretty darn ugly at release, that may also have improved over time.

I went through this with ARPGs. I loved the first Diablo and liked the second, but now I am mostly bored by them. The exception was Victor Vran because I liked the active dodging. That little bit made me feel more engaged in the combat instead of just click, click, click.

I used to love point and click adventures like King’s Quest. I tried to play a more modern one and could not keep myself interested. I’m still trying to hang on to my love of 4Xs, but that has at least partially slipped away. I used to play them for months on end in 90s and 2000s.

It is really kind of sad when something you have loved to do for years doesn’t bring that same level of enjoyment. Luckily there is usually something that fills the void, at least partially. I’m more drawn to games now where I get really invested in the characters and story - The Witcher, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead TellTale games.

My most recent struggle is 4Xs

The skills seem bland? Have you seen the skilltrees? Its kinda like Path of exiles, so that every single skill can be warped to whatever you want. On top of that, every class has several different skillset options they can persue, making each class able to play in vastly different ways.

On top of that, the developers listen, take their time, and plan ahead and tell what those plans are.

The only thing I find bad about the game, is the lack of gender choices in classes, and the fact that gear does not change your appearance, other than in tiers. So, there are maybe what - 10 different looks all in all for each class. (This number may be wildly off, I simply dont remember).

But this game impresses me a whole lot more than Wolcen ever did.