World Cup 2022

For being the youngest team in the World Cup, Ghana doesn’t have the speedy bursts I was expecting to see. Only seeing Portugal being a real danger in this match so far, 30 minutes in.

Oh, snap, penalty for Ronaldo.

We may finally get our first goal of the entire day.

Seemed like one weak ass penalty call. Makeup call for earlier?

That seems like a terrible penalty call.

Ageless wonder becomes first man to score in 5 different World Cups.


That’s what they call a superstar foul in the NBA.

US announcer keeps saying ‘Renaldo got there first’ but it was the defender who actually made ball contact first.

Good for Ghana!

Lovely stuff, hope they go on to win it.

Nicely done!

And Portugal has a perfect counter attack.

Jeez, that Ghana goal woke Portugal the hell up.

Damn, I walked away for 5 minutes and they’re down 3-1.

3-2 now crazy game, c’mon Ghana, get one more

Wow, that would have been absolutely nuts if Ghana had tied it there.

Damn it. 3-2 final.

Well that second half was wildly entertaining enough to justify having sat through two snoozers before it.

What a game! Best one (or half of one really) I’ve seen so far!

Yup, that was fun.

Feels like a lot of 2nd/3rd best teams are fine playing nil-nil draws in the first game (understandable), so to have this one liven up at the end was great.