World Of Tanks

Harkonis made one, but I have no idea if it’s persistent. Search for Qt3, case-sensitive.

squads and such arent in the game yet, are they?

it appears to stay, or at least auto-recreate when I logged in.

Just got my beta code. Thought ‘I’ll have a blast with some tanks!’. I didn’t realise it would be a 1.1 gig download at 86k/second.
At this rate it will be a world of fun at midnight. Assuming this downlaod goes smoothly.
If 500MB of it is FMV. I’m going to shoot the marketing guys with a tank.

edit: there are torrents:

There should be an RP server for this. Potential chatlog samples:

P@nzerF@n: WRRRRRR
AhDRVtigers: CA-chunk CA-chunk CA-chunk
Blitzl0rd5811: BOOM!

There also be tank-crafting and hats for tanks.

Eh its a game, I don’t know if I like it yet, only played 3 rounds :|

Is there a tutorial or do you just dive in and figure out the controls as you go?

You should be able to blast patriotic music of your choosing out of your tank, kellys hero styleee.

Hit F1 (I think in-game only) for a fairly comprehensive help screen.

Lulz epic drop HEAT shells

it’s sort of fun, although seems a bit arcadey. And I have no idea what the various tech trees and upgrade paths are about, but it’s pretty cool.
The terrain seems a bit simplistic though, and dvery gun sounds the same.
Also… no infantry at all? not even as background color?

under the hood there seems to be some pretty sophisticated mathery going on when bullets hit armor. you were complaining about the size of the game and now you want little dudes running around? geez, some people… :P

early battles tend to be very arcady but once people start rolling in middle/late models of tanks and tank hunters, it becomes very much a game of cat and mouse, bluffs, feints and random luck.

im in love.

there’s talk of infantry being added eventually. hope it’s sooner rather than later. There are also more maps coming.

I like that although the game feels arcadey, there is actually a lot of sim going on under the hood.

oh yeah, once you hit tier 3 the whole game changes drastically. Once mediums and heavies are around it’s a different story. SPG’s lose some of their effectiveness and become more balanced. Light tanks scouting becomes a requirement.

Sadly T3 is also where the lack of teamwork in PUG’s becomes rather apparent. It seems that not a damned soul online realizes that Tank Destroyers are built for defense. Nobody ever seems to stay back to defend the arty and base. Tank Destroyers get a bonus to camo when not moving and can easily ambush on defense. In addition that role plays to their strengths and limits the disadvantage of no full turret.

Sweet! Lost Planet 2 meets the Third Reich!


So far I’ve played 3 rounds, each of which consisted of me rolling out of the base and getting one shotted by someone very far away who I could barely see.

Not that I’m discouraged. I’m a sucker for quirky and obtuse games like this, at least for a little while.

Who are the developers of this anyway, surely this could only have come from Eastern Europe right?

Russian devs I believe. The Russian beta was up for several months before this one (which is technically a european beta)

Getting one shotted by arty happens a fair amount early on. It definitely goes away as you figure the game out and as you get better tanks.

i am mere days away from the T-34 i was aiming for. because the tanks that are in line before that are flimsy scouts i have survived like 4 in 120 battles. everybody and his dog one-shots those. good times!

Tip of the day - click the ‘gold’ near your experience to turn it into cash money with which you can buy new tanks. …At this point I’m probably done with the game. Was fun though.

or save it up to buy premium tanks, premium ammo or a few days of premium account…