World of Warcraft Classic

Wow Hansey you know a lot more than me. But let me say this: By the time they start running the classic wow we (as in I hope us) will have a server preference and a guild already set up.

There will be an announcement here on this thread weeks before those classic servers are up. Hopefully we will be able to go in – get a guild invite (still not sure if Mark Asher wants me lol) and play our rogues.

A casual, steady progression is what I think most of us want. Plus awesome fun just doing some dungeons, bging, and getting our asses kicked in vanilla!

It would be nice to know the best server though. best doesn’t mean fastest progression. You know --the “best” that has nice trade talk and super great people!

I don’t know if this is true, but I have given a lot of thought to certain things, hehe. But yeah, picking a server is tough, because when it’s a new server you have no idea whether it’s going to have a great, active community or eventually become a desolate wasteland (which many servers from vanilla did). So while I have no idea what servers will be great, I can at least make an effort to make sure I’m not on a bad server from the start.

Remember there will be layering to address overcrowding issues.

Now why would you say that? I want everyone, and it’s not like I’m a guild leader type. I’m a tagalong loner type.

I’m leaning toward playing a warlock or hunter. I like rogue too, but I like battlegrounds and I like to have a ranged attack for the BGs. Rogues are sweet, though. Nothing like being invisible on a PvP server.

I wonder if Classic will bring back gold farmers? I’d go where the Alliance gold farmers did their farming and hunt them. That was a lot of fun. Some of the Chinese gold farmers on the Horde would message me in Chinese because they thought I was one of them, fighting for farming turf.

Am I the only one who liked Onyxia and Molten Core attunement to repeat it 40+ times to help guildmates?

I was teasing … I cannot WAIT to try back Classic wow!

Let’s discuss our server beforehand. 20 nice people from here in the guild within a few days. Might be nice and comfortable. I promise I can do more dps that 30 in Blackfathom deeps. Maybe 40!

More like “lawyering” … but yeah probably so. Hansey seems to know the servers.

Whoa, I wouldn’t say that. I’m going to make an attempt to learn which ones to avoid but I can’t make any promises - I don’t have any superior knowledge in that regard. Also, while I know I said upthread that we (my husband and I) haven’t yet committed to which faction we’re going to play, I expect we’ll be leaning toward Alliance. I personally have played a great deal on both side, but he has always been partial to alliance, mainly because he hates the aesthetic of Orgrimmar, hehe.

That said, alts are certainly a thing, and there’s always a chance we’ll play both sides, though on different servers (since you weren’t allowed to have both factions on the same PvP server in vanilla). I’ll still post here though if I hear about any specific servers to avoid.

In my experience the information is out there because they get tired of people asking them non-stop and trying to hide it doesn’t work anyway.

No pressure lol. I think we all would just like to know what we can. None of us are on the vanilla classic servers and some of us want to be. It is as simple as that.

If we can just figure out the best server… the best home… I think a lot of us will run to it. Am I wrong?

Any intelligence to make that better is appreciated.

I think most of us would be happy to play together, but some here may be in a guild and want to go where it goes. And we still don’t know how many want to play Horde or Alliance. Or how many want a PvP server. As we get closer to launch we will have to poll people and take a look at how the preferences shake out.

But yeah, I’m charged up about it and ready to play now. :)

Another thing to be organized about is crafting. If we have some specialists we can feed mats to it will help everyone. I may just gather ore and herbs and turn them over others in the guild, or leather and herbs, etc.

We will all want good bags. Some potions would be nice too. Cloth, leather, and metal armor will be in demand. I don’t recall engineer stuff being all that useful, more along the lines of fun stuff other than ammo and scopes for hunters. Was jewel-crafting even in vanilla?

Anyway, this is the kind of stuff it will be good to figure out before launch, though it’s too early now.

I assume there will be PVP and PVE servers, which to me is the first decision that has to be made.

According to Wowhead: " Jewelcrafting is an extremely valuable profession introduced in The Burning Crusade…"

Ok, that seems right. I don’t remember it in vanilla but do remember it being around for a long time.

Hey, at least we won’t have to lug around jewels in our bags and take up inventory space.

No, just mounts and pets, lol. The key ring was introduced in 1.11 so at least we won’t have to put those in our bags.

Well, I was never much of a pet guy, and since pet battles won’t exist, I probably won’t bother with any. We can’t get a mount until 40. I hope to have some decent bags by then. I still remember that a Traveller’s bag was awesome to get. That was 16 slots, I believe. Could you craft a 16 slot in vanilla? There’s so much I don’t remember. Vanilla, BC, and WotLK were the three big ones for me and I don’t always remember what popped up where in those.

No, I think the biggest you could craft was the Runecloth bag at 14 slots. I remember making a lot of those.