World of Warcraft Classic

To me it already stops feeling like ‘Classic’ at BC. I played through BC and had plenty of fun with it (especially 5 man heroics) but it doesn’t tick my nostalgia box like vanilla does.

What can I say? I’m really just a sucker for bog-standard high fantasy theming.

Yeah I played a lot of Classic at 60 just running around and doing stuff, farming for rare drops like the crusader enchant, etc. I remember running my rogue through LBRS solo just to farm some elites for a rare drop and I got it! There were also some chests I could sneak to in there. It was fun.

Once BC launched it was a leveling race again and it never really stopped. It wasn’t the same.

Leveling and doing the new content was what was most fun for me though. I enjoyed those new zones, NPCs, creatures and lore. Too bad everything stagnates at endgame whether that be 60 or 70.

In Vanilla at least at 60 you had the chase for a complete set of gear. That got spoiled with the first expansion when we realized everything we worked for at 60 would be obsoleted by greens in the new expansion. Really kind of sucked that my cool purples weren’t as good as trashy looking greens in BC.

Call me crazy but I feel like tier gear should be like heirlooms for mains, getting better as you level. Sadly I can’t think of how you’d differentiate the tiers. Still, they shouldn’t have become so throwaway so quickly.

My buddy convinced me to resub, but like me he hasn’t seen anything since Litch King, so we’re running around on Destromath for now, not Classic. Still as fun and unfortunately addictive as I remember it. Holy hell did they dumb the leveling and talents down though. :(

He was never a raider, so I actually look forward to running him around some of the outleveled raid content in 2-man style once we reach that point, just for fun.

I have always enjoyed running around in dungeon content solo when I have outleveled it. There’s a sweet spot where the elites still present a bit of challenge but are beatable so you have to be careful.

The upcoming Blizz Con should probably announce something about Classic. Will be interesting, I hope.

Just when phase 2 drops. Classic+ is a wet dream.

I have “finished” the game in that I have no more solo content, aside from farming ore. Every quest I have is a dungeon or raid quest. Which means I can’t do anything alone, and should only log in when I have 2+ hours available to run a group.


That’s about the point I roll an alt. Or try the alternative faction for a while before I get fed up and come back to my side.

Is the intention of Blizzard to rerun the historical timeline of WoW with classic (including expansions) or to just leave it time locked?

They haven’t said. All they have announced is the planned addition of content to Classic – nothing about BC or any new development.

I’m probably still 3-4 weeks away from this. I would be happy at 60 to have a regular group to run with one or two nights a week. I don’t care too much about raiding in a big raid, but I’d like to do the 5-man stuff and the smaller raids.

And if it doesn’t look like that will happen I’ll probably drift away from the game again.

I’m up for the idea of a regular 5-person run once or twice a week. My own play in WoW Classic has slacked off lately, but I have toons at several levels: 60, 44 and 16 IIRC and I do enjoy the dungeon runs.

What’s a good night to at least try this idea out? For me, Wednesday and Friday are good nights but I’m not locked in.

The problem right now is the levels are spread out. I only have one character and he’s 51. I think we need a core group at 60 before we set up a regular night.

I would love to run periodic dungeons at 60 . Trouble is, I need to get to 60! I’m still floundering at 40 with my ‘lock (Belloch).

As Mark said, we don’t know their plan, and maybe they don’t either. But if you think about it, anything other than moving on to Burning Crusade doesn’t make any sense.

Classic+. The idea is to add new, original content to the Vanilla client. Maybe new dungeons, maybe new raids. But that means a couple things:

  1. you have to grow the team significantly. They don’t have any designers or artists on the team, probably, so it turns a smallish, dedicated effort into something much more serious. And every artist and designer working on Classic is one not working on Retail.

  2. this means that if you are a retail player and you want to experience new WoW content, you have to level a Classic character to 60 to get to it. Not consumer friendly.

Now what we don’t know is how popular Classic is compared to Retail, and how long that will last. There certainly is a scenario where Classic is so much more popular than Retail that it would make sense to shift the primary focus of the team to it. But I don’t think that happens until after they try some big shifts in Retail like a level squish or even going free to play.

So my bet is that they’ll focus on Burning Crusade, but we won’t hear about that until next Blizzcon.

I’m ex-- sorta like my last ex – I miss him, I really do — but it just didn’t work out. (lol and it was probably my fault!) I talk to Markol. I am busy leveling rogues. It is fun to play the original, hardcore WOW classic. But I wonder to what end? Molten Core raiding? I dunno I wish theyd bring in pvp a bit sooner.

As a rogue player, this makes me smile. They are fun as hell.

There you go! Me too. I can spend a lot of time running BGs.

My problem with them adding BC is as soon as they do Azeroth becomes a ghost town and they lessen the challenge there so players can zip through the leveling to 60 faster. That in heavier and heavier doses with each new expansion is one of the things that ended up making me lose interest in the game.

Also, if I spend a lot of time trying to get a full set of Devout gear for my priest only to see it devalued when BC is added, I will be unhappy.

I expect them to just add BC because it’s cheaper and easier. I won’t be happy, though.

Mark we will crush alterac valley… get ready.

Do we know when the BGs are coming out?

No. They have laid out the plan so we know the sequence of patching in content, but we don’t have the dates. First will come the honor system, so players will be able to amass points. This should lead to the great South Shore battle once again on the PvE servers where people flip their flags and go at it, and lead to bloodshed on the PvP servers.

Then the BGs get patched in at the 1.12 version. AV will not be the original AV but the AV where players first turned it into a rush to the generals.

Yeah. Honestly, if it were up to me I’d never add BC. And yes, I realize that means the MMO just withers on the vine unless you add custom content for Classic. But I am primarily a single player CRPG player so I don’t mind if a game is not an eternal ‘going concern.’ Blizz is going to do whatever they think will monetize best over the long term, which is rational. The trick is at what point does the brand “Classic” cease to be meaningful?