World of Warcraft Mods

FuBar may be great, but I’ve got so many addons for Titan that I’d have to go find FuBar equivalents, I’d rather just be playing the damn game.

I go a little bit crazy on mods, but here’s my list:

Atlas - use it less, but an add-on for Atlas shows me all the rep rewards and that’s quite handy
MetaMap - awesome map mod that now has loot links for instances
KLH Threat Meter - important for raids
MonkeyQuest - easier to access the quests!
Titan Panel - it’s out of date, but it still works for what I want. I use Titan Guild, Titan Mail, Titan Factions, WikiikiDPS, Titan Ammo, TitanBag,TitanMoney
Master Control Panel - this gives me a handy in-game way of managing add-ons and reloading my interface
NaturEnemyCastBar - just picked this up and it’s a nice way of seeing what enemies are casting
Fizzwidget Feed-O-Matic - cntrl-f to feed pet
MinimapButtonBag - I’ve got about 10 minimap icons, this wrangles them all into 1
ToolTip Wrangler 2.0 - lets me place my tooltip anywhere I want
MetaHud - awesome HUD replacement to keep relevant info in front of my eyes
Quickloot Improved - moves loot bags under my cursor no matter where it is
QuickMountEquip - equips my riding crop whenever I mount up
LiteAssist - quickly assign assist button
DamageMeters - show how 1337 I am!
Simple Raid Target Icons - brings up a super easy to use radial menu when control-clicking on a MOB
Auctioneer - you know!
BigWigs - limited use, but sometimes comes in handy
EngBags - super great bag management tool
KHunterTimers - nice cooldown bar
MikScrollingBattleText - just picked this up. Looks better than SCT so far

Looks like there’s a newer replacement that is in beta from the same author called Concession Stand.

damagemeters is the worst mod ever known to the world of warcraft.

im not kidding, that thing is terrible - if you’re a mage/rogue and you’re beating another mage/rogue, usually they do all they can to top the meters, regardless of whether it screws up the group or not.

people get tunnel vision when meters are posted, it’s so freaking lame.

I think you mean “shit players ruin the game”.

rofl… when i see warriors tank with a two hander in ramparts and ask me to sheep pull, i want to /wrists. (theirs of course)

‘cant sunder armor, i’m arms specced.’

there should be a ‘warriors for dummies’ mod. that would be too much to ask probably.

A friend of mine did manage to get rid of someone begging for water with the reply of “Sorry, I’m bread-specced”.

Iono exactly what eCB does. I like this one because it not only shows you DR on multiple effects and targets, it also tracks their cooldowns. Fun stuff.

Thanks for the great list guys, I officially swapped all my stuff from Titan to FuBar last night and it was a lot easier than I thought.

In my last guild, we banned people from posting damage meter results for that reason.

HOWEVER, the officers still kept a damagemeter installed and we’d post the results in /o. Damagemeters are an invaluable tool for raid leaders to see who your best performers are and who your slackers/noobs are.

Anyone who cares about the damage meter in a 5-man is a moron, though. So long as you kill the bosses and everyone has fun, you don’t need to worry about individual performance. It’s only when your guild starts doing top-tier raid content that you need to concern yourself with lazy players, slackers, and outright noobs.

i cant tell you how many rogues and mages; even some warrs, i’ve seen go off and go solo tanking for 1-3 mobs in a group when they aren’t top on dm’s. then they get mad at the healers when they die.

ugh that is probably my biggest pet peeve - and people put so much stock into it; ill never understand it. if you’re doing your job and paying attention, there’s nothing wrong. and there are 1000 reasons why you may or may not be doing your job AND topping the damage meters.

i’ve actually seen rogues in raids seriously make fun of mages for not topping the damagemeters when the RL told them to sit and spam decurse in MC/BWL. as if your damage meter is a measure of skill/capability/efficiency.

its just my pet peeve probably because i used to actually PLAY a rogue and i could never understand why other rogues would do things like that.

Damage meters are a tool, of course they don’t give the whole picture but they do give quantifiable data. It’s silly to dismiss them because immature players care more about their stats than the group’s success.

So don’t play with them… :)

Next try out Bartender3, ag_UnitFrames, and Cartographer. ;)

Sounds like a performance review at a JOB.

I play WoW with people who are fun to play with.


I play WoW with people who are fun to play with too, but the reality of high-end raiding is that everyone must bring their A-game. A single slacker can and will cause wipes. If your guild is doing 5-mans or the easier raids, it’s not really a concern at all; just play, relax, and so long as you’re killing bosses and not wiping, monitoring individual player performance is not a concern at all. If you’re doing cutting-edge raids, though, one person can make the difference between killing the boss and getting loot or everyone in the raid logging off unhappy and with a large repair bill.

Damage meters allow raid leaders to determine who in the raid (at least among the dps classes) isn’t pulling their weight. That warlock who amuses everyone on vent with his jokes might be a fun guy to play with, but if he’s doing less dps than a healer (I’ve actually seen that happen), he’s not helping your raid. If that kind of thing turns you off, then top-end raiding probably isn’t for you.

If you keep wiping at a boss, and you’re using the right strategy, it’s invaluable to know what’s going wrong.

Just because someone is doing crap on the damage meters, doesn’t mean we’re all going to go HE’S SHIT, KICK HIM OUT. There’s so many reasons - gear, unfamiliarity with the fight, being overcautious, luck, and actual slacking - that it’s vital to get the best out of people when you’re trying to get past stuff that’s pretty tricky and needs everyone pulling in the same direction.

I play WoW with people who are fun to play with, and we’re always helping each other out.

CCZ thinks that anyone who participates in the end game is a poopsocking catasser, and that the only legitimate playstyle is casual.