WoW: How bad is your queue?

Silvermoon has been around 800 during prime time the last few days, which takes over an hour. It’s also gone completely down a couple times, and was the only realm showing it was down at the time on the realm status page. Our instance servers also lock up every three or four hours, good times.

I’ve also started using an anti-afk macro on my G15.

Ravencrest has had one queue in the history of the server.

  1. On the day WotLK came out.

Course the raiding population is sad sad sad but there you go.

I had about a 560 person queue last night on Moonrunner. That’s pretty annoying when you have your self all hyped up to harvest some bear arses.

I have never been in this state.



That’s worse than I’ve seen it in ages. I almost never get a queue on Moonrummer, but in prime time I got queues of 100-200 a couple times. Only took 5-10 minutes to get in, which isn’t so bad.

I’ve been trying WoW on a 14-day trial, and it seems that if you’re a non-revenue client, you get bumped to the back of the line every time a paying customer gets in the queue.

I watched my place in Moonrunner bounce between 80 and 110 for a good 15 minutes before I realized I was screwed and started another character on a different server.

Blame the goldspammers. :\

I usually see a queue of about 200-400 on Burning Legion.

Queues on Feathermoon are the norm on any holidays and sometimes even on weekends. Last year you had to log on at least an hour before you actually wanted to play since there was consistently a queue. Yesterday we hit a new low though. I had a 400 person queue at 3 o clock in the afternoon.

The queue on KT is pretty often over a thousand people when I’m trying to log on.

Maybe related, Eve Online had a new peak concurrent user online recordon 5th and I heared planetside was pretty crowded as well since a long time on the same day.

653 on Argent tonight.

Not seeing login queues here at the moment, though with kiddies back at school from today that might change. Bgger problem is getting an instance took nearly 30 mind of jumping backwards and forwards through the entrance.

I’ve been seeing this crap too. What causes this? Are we actually hitting the upper limit on the number of instances that a server can spawn?



Zero queue for us as we are an Aussie guild playing on a US server. We have contemplated transferring to an Aussie server in the past but decided we prefer no queues and easy farming of mats etc.

Yep, and let me tell ya, it’s awfully fun doing the “instance is full” dance while your friend that has to log off in an hour is waiting on you.

The queue on Earthen Ring has been awful for weeks and right smack in the middle of my prime playing time. Finally, I gave up in frustration and began a new character on Ravenholdt. I doubt I’ll stick with a brand new grind when my 70 'Lock is laying fallow on Earthen Ring. Maybe it’s time for another break from the game until things calm down.

So that’s the issue we’ve had with zoning in and out of 5mans. I thought it was lag related. I don’t remember having this issue before, probably because I took a break during TBC.