WoW: The Half-Past Five thread - SERVER MOVE UPDATE

Actually we did a pick up last night with another QT5er, and I got VC’s damn head this time.

I was able to use Ryan’s epic teachings (skip the docks, pulling properly at the end) from the night before to lead our team to a clean victory.

I’m at 22 now, heading towards 23. When do I get to start thinking about Gnomer?

How do you skip the docks?

As for gnomer, I’d say 30-32.

When you come through the gates you make a left and travel along the waters edge. (There’s a pair of critters there, but nothing major.)

You just travel down it until it ends, and then swim over to the outcropping on the other side.

The sub boss (smite?) shows up when you hit the wood, so be prepared to fight immediately.

And what it is with rogues? We had another one drop offline. At least he left before we started.

Blizzard has opened up Frostwolf for character transfers (to Frostmane). I know most HPF folks (including me, for the most part) no longer actively play. But some do, and some (like me!) may plan on pulling their character off the shelf once an expansion comes out. So, if anyone has a preference on staying or moving, let me know (there’s also a discussion just starting on the HPF website). And I wanted to give people a heads-up–if we transfer, I’ll post here, and anyone who wants to stay with the guild will have to transfer with us.

Assuming there’s no cost for transferring, I’d (Lumare/Gret) be in favor of moving to Frostmane. According to WoW Census, there’s a more even Alliance-Horde ratio there compared to Frostwolf, and shorter queues would be welcome.

There is no cost, but there is one disadvantage: if someone on the new server has your name, you have to rename your character. My guess is that names that are real-world words (like my main, Cairn), real-world names (like my brother’s, Haymish), or are short (like Gret or Cred) have a significant chance of being taken. I’ll probably throw together a character on Frostmane just to /who some names and see what’s out there.

That will only work if that character is online when you do the /who.

A better way would be to try to create a new character with the name you want. If it’s taken, you’ll know right away, and if it’s available, you can just delete the new character you created to free up the name again. You could even leave that character there until the moment you’re ready to make the transfer to “reserve” that name for yourself.

Against my own personal preferences, the guild has decided to transfer to Frostmane. At this point it’s unclear whether we can use the name “Half Past Five” there. The name currently shows as being taken, but there’s a rumor that guild names must be unique across a cluster–meaning that if FW and FM are on the same cluster, HPF will no longer be “taken” once we disband it on FW. Who knows.

Although I don’t really play anymore, I’m going to transfer my characters because I’d like to be able to pick them up again when the unannounced-but-unavoidable expansion comes out. Because one of my characters (Cairn) is the guild leader of HPF, I am going to have to disband the guild before I transfer (I could reassign leadership, but I don’t know who’s transferring and who isn’t; also, hopefully disbanding will free up the name on FM).

So: if you want to be able to play with us (either now, or in the future when there’s an expansion), go to and follow the links to get your characters moved (I believe this is only available for a couple of weeks).