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Because it was funny, despite the fact that Machfive was a fucking psychopath. If somebody makes me laugh out loud, even if I don’t like them, I’ll still compliment 'em for it.[/quote]
Machfive was a psychopath? Hmm, I missed this.

Uh oh! Well, here’s a little evidence from the logo thread:

Extra-crazy parts bolded for clarity. I want to film The Mach Five story, as soon as I can shoehorn Philip Seymour Hoffman’s self-loathing bumbling style into Sean Penn after starving him and shrinking him in a pressure cooker.

My lasting favorite to all this, next to Chet’s comments, is that Penis never got it that people will just think his name is Mark and that he might have a speech impediment if he changed his name.

For me the most amusing aspect of those threads is how comprehensible Brian Koontz is; and how so many people find themselves noticing that, and being surprised.

Man, that’s some quote. I shoulda read that thread closer.

“I used to be a dorky sinner who deserved to get his ass tossed into the fiery lake for not comprehending the power of TheMonikerMach5. Ever since I invited TheMonikerMach5 into my heart, things have been nothing but candy and puppies with soft, blunt teeth! Can I get an amen?”

Weird how one can acknowledge the fact that one is an introverted, bespectacled dork, perceive it as a problem, and seek to remedy it, not by, say, trying to be a little more friendly to people or by not endlessly talking about the virtues of Capn Picard vs. Capn Kirk when one meets a girl; but by doing something… completely over-the-top dorkopathic like changing one’s name to a velocity.

It’s sad, really. Sad that he went from Ryan to Mach5 instead of going from Ryan to Ryan on appropriate medication.

Having started to read the book Jennifer Government, I think he should change is name to Mach5 Gillette. Then he can brag to all the chicks that he’s gonna inherit the family fortune.

Generally pretty nutty.

I’ve been called Mach by virtually everyone I met online, and they continued to do so when we met in meatspace. I DJ’d at a radio station and had callers requesting songs and complimenting “Mach” on his taste in music.

Now, I may be a bit square, but wouldn’t people call you by your online name or your DJ name if your name was only “Mach Five” instead of “Ryan Dooflefingus”? If his business card said “Mach Five”, why would anyone bother calling him by his real name, except for the IRS?

I’d be mighty surprised if people started calling me Velocity c out of the blue if I always had my name (as it stands today) Alan Dunkin. But that’s just me.

— Alan

Alan Dunkin diagnosed: not crazy. Penis McFaggerton: crazy.