Xbox @ 20

I err… played a lot of Warframe that year.

Yeah, but you have a much better titles-to-achievements ratio! A ton of mine were titles I was checking out for work, where I’d put in a little time and move on to the next shiny object.

After a career where I’ve almost always gotten a ton of free games (game journalist and then Xbox guy), it’s actually kind of a relief to have to pay for games. Makes me more invested in them and able to focus on just a couple of titles.

(Well, that would be the case if it wasn’t for friggin’ Game Pass. Blew two hours on the mesmerizing Exo One tonight when I’d intended to play Guardians of the Galaxy, which I haven’t started yet and it’s already on sale for Black Friday!)

This is hilarious to me -

No idea how Zuma’s Revenge got to be my most played game, I know my wife was pretty obsessed with it at one point. Also slightly bummed by original Xbox isn’t counted, but then I had a different gamertag then, actually canceled Xbox Live after a few months of multiplayer, figured I had had all the fun I was going to have.

My top was Idle Champions.

Played over 200+ in Planetfall & Skylines - that’s a lot of idling!
I didn’t even get all the achievements.

1218 games / 4362 / racing

This thing seems to think I owned the original Xbox and I did not. Is it because I played some OG Xbox game on 360? It’s smart enough to know that I didn’t own an Xbox One though while playing some of those games on Series S.

That makes sense.

Surprised that Overwatch is my most played, I’d have said Skyrim.

I could’ve called that one! Gamepass reaaaally lets you check out a ton of games in a short time, huh.

On steam I have Planetside 2 at 44 hours. I don’t think I’ve ever played it, or maybe did for a half an hour. Must have left it running in the background or something.

My Gamerscore is pretty pathetic.

Not surprised Diablo III my most played.

MS posted all six chapters of their documentary

Renegades… Nothing more rebellious than being directly ordered by the CEO/Owner to create a console bulwark against Sony for fear of losing the living room.

That first part is quite the nostalgic watch. I enjoyed it!

I’m now 3 episodes in. They are all about the inception of the original Xbox and it’s been fascinating to see how it went from internal pitch to designing and developing everything in no time.

Insane times. Also, the start of the 3rd episode reminded me of that crazy Xbox commercial.

If you watched the first episode, you would quickly realise it was very much not that. They had quite a struggle to convince the execs at MS that the company should be in the console business.

That one tells an interesting story covering the early prototypes, the meetings at MS, the failures, …

The 5th one of the RRoD and the 6th on “TV. TV. TV” are also interesting looks at when things go wrong. At no point does it treat the topic with the levity and lack of care that some here assumed from the episode card poster.

It also doesn’t shy away from the awesome “This is how you share games” burn by Sony. That one was so well played by them given the world of confusion MS had left everyone in.

That 6th one hurt though. Reminded me of the mess that was the Lionhead closure too.

That said, it lead to the decisive course correction MS had to make (One X, Series X, Game Pass, studio acquisitions). So there is that. And it’s always good when they highlight accessiblity too.

All said, the series was definitely an entertaining watch. It’s long though.

Yeah, it seems the series isn’t sugercoating a lot of the mistakes that were made along the way, which you’d half expect any time a company bankrolls a documentary series about itself.

Hmm, what to believe, the lie MS likes to tell every time they are trying to get credibility for one of their new projects, or the direct quotes from Bill Gates at the time? I bet you believe Internet Explorer was the result of some MS counter-culture fighting the man from the inside, too. Because that’s exactly how they try and launder these strategic endeavors to make them seem less evil from the outside. A small team of mavericks with a vision of the future just plays better than the reality of a giant megacorp trying to exploit their monopoly power to crush competition in a sector they came to late.

That Xbox museum is so cool! Sadly I must have switched gamertags or something as it doesn’t show me playing KOTOR on the first Xbox or ME1 on the 360, which are basically all I used those consoles for.

Well, I actually heavily used the OG Xbox to play movies with XBMP, but I don’t see MS knowing about that.