Xbox Live November 2011 Update

Just before I got logged off, I was using the new Netflix app and couldn’t figure out how to resume an episode of a show I stopped in the middle of to go eat. Unless I missed it, the app makes you restart the episode and FF to get back to where you were. WTF?

Not happy. I feel like this is yet another example of the twitter, facebook, social blah train getting not only in the way, but utterly in my face. It seems like the main point of the UI facelift was to hip-i-fy with social hooks, but to me it just seems like it takes me a few hundred more button presses to navigate what used to be right there at my fingertips.

Sounds like if you agree to the new TOS you are giving up your right to sue MS for letting hackers steal your money and use it for FIFA points.

It’s the hip new thing in the corporate world.

Edit: nevermind.

I had the same problem. I figured I’ll try again today.


This this this this this.

Fuck it, I want the old one back. Nothing they added is good. Nothing. Every single change they made has made the app WORSE.

The only way I’ve found to bypass the shitty, shitty Zune App (which sucks for so many reasons!) is to download a new video. When the video finishes downloading and the message pops up telling you so, hit your X-Box button to bring up the details of the DL. One of them should be ‘watch now’ or something. Select that and you’ll watch the video. When it’s over you can back up and then peruse all of your videos using the old, awesome, non-Zune method.

Edit: This was in NXE. No idea if this will still work going forward.

I got the update last night and it didn’t cause any problems, although I no longer really use my Xbox to watch videos so I haven’t experienced that part of it yet.

Yes! That’s the method. I remember now. Which means we don’t need the stupid Zune app. It’s just there to annoy people.

Btw, when I recently set up my new house with a new router and home network, I just couldn’t get my music streaming and video streaming to work anymore using the blade interface. For some reason, the Xbox just couldn’t see what was on my computer. I tried everything I’ve tried in the past, and it really should have worked, but it didn’t.

But now, after this new update, everything magically works again, without changing anything on my home network. I can stream music, movies, and they all show up in the Xbox guide blade interface when you press the guide button and select music (or pictures or videos).

Phew! Yay for Metro!

I agree. I like everything else about the new dashboard, except this. The Netflix app is awful.

I hate the cascading presentation. I hate that individual episodes can’t be picked until the damn show starts playing, and you have to then surf through the choices. I hate the lack of “resume” (FFS, how dumb is that?) and I dislike the way the splash screens expand in the menu.

Agreed about the new Netflix. Tried it last night, and it is worse across the board compared to the old one.

And they don’t even let you wrap around to the end of your instant queue by going left like you can on the PS3 version, which is the only way the PS3 version was superior, and still is.

Can we email carpet bomb Major Nelson and express our hatred for this Netflix app?

Did they have to make these modifications to make it searchable with Bing from the dashboard? Why shit up the UI with a giant overlay whenever you do anything, remove the frame preview when scrubbing through (how am I supposed to FF past the opening credits in Star Trek now???), and automatically start playing the movie when I try to view details? I don’t want to start every shitting Eli Roth wannabe horror movie when I click through to see if it’s a real fucking movie or some crap a college kid made with a Handicam.

Updated here last night and Live was so fucked we just went to bed. It seems OK this morning though…

I had to re-activate Hulu to make it work again which was stupid but at least the interface is somewhat improved. Hey, access to my favorites list! Finally.

EDIT : Somewhat agreed on the Netflix app. I like the overall look of it but yeah, stop automatically playing anything I select. FFS, how do you browse now?

There is resume in the netflix app (as I’ve had it happen), I’m just not certain under what conditions it occurs.

Oh, thank god.

Wow they screwed the pooch on the netflix app. It performs way worse than before. Just navigating around is like trying to navigate a web page on dial up. So slow. And they got rid of the ‘Most recently watched’ section again, I hate when they do that.


I can’t remember where it was but I came across something similar earlier except in this case it was press Blue X to go back instead of press Red B the way you do in every other part of this interface and have done since the old blades UI.

I don’t think I have ever used “Game Details” or “Eject”, let alone once a day.