Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

I’m just annoyed that MS, with all the forewarning, still didn’t really anticipate the demand. I guess even they can be hit too hard.

Newegg. Squick, but it worked. Preorded an S, i guess-s.

I’m gonna go grab a coffee so that’s when the Amazon page will go live. Better keep hitting F5, guys.

MS store was the only one working for me this morning. All the others gave me an ‘oops! something went wrong!’ page.

I mean… maybe Newegg worked? I’m not getting any email confirmation that it went through, and the confirm page is frozen… so…

newegg is out of stock for me

All the progress I’ve made after 40 minutes of refreshing

Sam’s apparently has it, if you guys are Sam’s Club members:

Sam’s is already OOS, it just doesn’t show until you check out.

Does amazon even have an order page for the Series S? I’m not finding anything

Got mine through microsoft, yay. passed on the extra storage for now but was happy it wasn’t more expensive.

Man, i preferred to buy it from MS. But the page crashes… still looking, i don’t trust that Newegg order. Still no email confirmation about it.

I have one in the cart at MS but the place order button is greyed out.

Newegg is pretty reputable. What’s got you worried?

I guess they said they would sent an email “once the order has been processed?” So it will take a couple of days?

I really preferred to get it as an All-Access thing from MS.

It’s possible BB and Amazon aren’t going up until 9am PST / 12pm EST?

I don’t know why you would want to launch later than your competitors, but I’m guessing they’re not going up until 9AM pacific whether they wanted to or not. :D

When those other guys sell out you can put your prices up.

Xbox Series X standalone at MS is OOS.

Amazon’s listing has updated
