Xbox Series X - The next Xbox that's boxy but sexy xXx

Amazon up, got it.


Ok, preordered the X from Amazon. Amazon you can really smash the order buttons faster!

Yay! glad y’all got it.

Just got mine on Amazon!

Can’t believe I just got a Series X from Amazon!

Amazon page is down again. It’s getting HAMMERED

I’ve preordered $1,300 of game consoles. This is stupid. Fun too, i suppose, since nothing’s been charged yet! Just got to decide which to keep and which to cancel and/or hold for people here.

Thanks for the tip on Amazon I got in too, hopefully since the shipping date isn’t confirmed yet.
I did get through to MS finally and all sold out of the X All Access bundles.

Email confirmation from Amazon. YAY!

I got an Series X from amazon as well. I was going for an S but they seemed harder to find. I liked the smaller footprint of the Series S, but wasn’t a huge deal either way.

I’m actually in the checkout screen at Microsoft…but the review and place order screen is stuck. I’ll cancel the Newegg preorder if i can get it from MS.

I just turned on my XboneX to buy Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, and while the store loads fine, it won’t complete the purchase transaction. I guess I’ll try again later.

Microsoft’s own store reporting OUT OF STOCK now.

Best Buy finally went live

pre orders opened.

Amazon was borked until I loaded it on and it worked!

Might be worth a shot.

Got my series x pre order in.



Have it in my cart at Best Buy, but it keeps failing at checkout.

Edit: and now it has failed completely at shipping…start over and it says it sold out. What a cluster.

Maybe that’s why they wont let me select a payment method. Ugh. I give up.

The memes are flying
