Xcom 2

More XCOM is always good. In whatever form that may be.

How about XCOM 3? I want some game play fixes.
I want there always to be easy missions so that you can level up low level soldiers.
I want a run distance for my soldiers such that if I move half-way in my first move, that I can then move again and still get another action as long as I didn’t move a total of 10 squares, etc…

I also want different victory conditions, not just the avatar crap.

Phoenix Point? 😁

Yes, I am waiting for that.

Drops on the 9th. Free for owners of War of the Chosen until 12:59pm ET on December 3, 2018.

That is basically the reasonable version of what I was hoping for, so I’m not disappointed.

Sounds like 4[-ish?] new maps from EU that chain together to make a mini-story starring Bradford et al that lays out the events between EU and XCOM2. All the legacy armors and weapons. And then bonus soundtrack stuff that I don’t care too much about. And it’s free for people who own War of the Chosen.

I can see a lot of people being let down because they thought it was going to be a full blown second expansion pack or even XCOM3, but I’m good with this.

Did I hope for more from the announcement? Sure.

Could I have hoped for more stuff that was free*? No way.

(*I would guess that the intersection on the Venn diagram of “People who will be interested in the Tactical Legacy Pack” and “People who didn’t buy War of the Chosen” will be pretty small.)

I hadn’t read the blog post: https://xcom.com/news/entries#xcom-2-war-of-the-chosen-tactical-legacy-pack-dlc-release-date-pc-steam

It is actually 28 new maps. It’s unclear from that text whether they appear in the War of the Chosen campaign, though. The new story stuff appears to be at least 6 missions (but maybe 28?)

Whenever a developer does this for free, I stand up and applaud them…they really didn’t have to do this

those maps appear in the campaign…he said it at 1.30 in the video


Free is good. I like free.

Ooh, ooh, over here! (That’s a good way to get me to buy it in the next sale, though).

Free is good, but I would have preferred a major expansion like WotC for $30-40.

Watching their stream. The trailer and the blog post made it sound like these were hand-crafted maps, but I am pretty sure they are new parcel sets. So you will get randomized versions of EU-inspired environments.

Edit: Okay, the legacy missions are hand-built from new parcels. So it adds the parcels to the campaign, but the plot missions are set.

4 story lines, each with 7 missions (and no strategy layer). There are binary choices (mission rewards, it sounds like?) between the missions. Sounds like there is a medal system for how you do on these legacy missions, and that unlocks cosmetic stuff in the campaign. I hope it is trivial to unlock everything. Otherwise, not cool!

Yeah - I’m happy with that as a freebie! Pretty nice and unexpected.

I am pretty sure I don’t have another full run through the game in me (despite the fact that I love it), so I love the idea that there are these 4 self contained arcs to play through.

The new DLC is out and should already be in your steam folder if you already own WotC.

Cool, going to check it out tonight.

I wonder if you have to play the skirmish stuff and complete it in order for all the maps and stuff to start showing up in a new main campaign?

It sounded like the answer might be yes, based on something they said during a live stream (I don’t have documentation)

Edit: Actually sounds like map assets show up automatically, but you have to play through the content to unlock gun and armor skins.

I thought that, after over 600 hours, I had burned out on XCOM 2. I guess not.