Xcom 2


Chimera Squad? I thought the rumor was it would be a new take on Terror of the Deep.

Naw. I bounced off that one real hard.

As long as it takes place directly after WOTC I can go for that.

I thought Chimera Squad was…fine? Decent concept, average-ish execution. If I were super feeling the need for more XCOM I’d be all up ons.

I appreciated some of the new mechanics of Chimera Squad (the breaching thing was pretty cool, as was the shield bash to disable but not kill, which gave you bonuses), but I don’t know that I want XCOM 3 to be more of that.

And I know I very much want it to not be more of that.

Assuming after their super hero detour they even return to xcom to do a 3.

Assuming, yeah.

What I meant by my comment was actually that I wouldn’t mind if they found a way to incorporate a couple of those mechanics into a future “proper” sequel but didn’t limit it to one city, didn’t have aliens in the squads (unless they were named defectors such as Mox in WotC), etc.

It’ll be interesting to see what they come up with, and what canon they pick for its lore. Maybe XCOM 2’s effort failed again? Or maybe, riffing off the last mission of OG XCOM, they set it on Luna or Mars to end the threat entirely (hey, if there can be Moon Nazis in Iron Sky or in Heinlein’s Rocket Ship Galileo then why not Moon aliens?).

Well, you know if they didn’t want the next xcom to be some variation on Terror from the Deep they should have just not ended xcom 2 basically telling us that. ;)

I’d kinda like to see them boot’em out of their ocean lair and then pursue them to their homeworld.

Time for earth to go on the offensive!

Wait, was that XCOM 2’s ending? I thought they teased that at the end of (Firaxis) XCOM 1 (although the only way I would have seen that would have been on YT, as I never finished Firaxis’ first effort, but did finish 2 vanilla).

Here’s the ending cut scene, make of it what you will, but it’s under water and it’s alive. ;)

Starts at 3:36

Yeah. Go with that. I can understand that underwater combat would mean a complete reworking of the graphics (?) engine (?) whatever. But I would be so onboard with that.

Mechanically I liked Chimera Squad, but I don’t think X-Com has good enough lore to justify keeping future games in this world’s narrative. I liked the oppressive atmosphere of the first game and I haven’t felt the same way with the sequels. The lionization of the “character” of the Commander and the incredibly chatty aliens just feel goofy to me. I really don’t want an X-Com 3 where a Chrysallid janitor provides comic relief during mission briefings.

If they would just get rid of this, for Bradford and all others I would be happy. Let them have their say, once, just once. Or have a toggle. You want to hear Bradford bitch and moan? Good for you. Let me turn it off. Seems like it shouldn’t be that hard to implement.

Or, they can go like the original Terror from the Deep and do a pallet swap :)

There’s a reason why shutting up Bradford is right at the top of the mod list. haha

Ah, I guess I’d forgotten that last bit.

The whole shebang is on sale for 5 bucks during the XBox Spring Sale.

Latest playthrough, my squad is four rangers and two snipers. With two psi soldiers as a backup. Lots of fun. I no longer fear chryssalids. And you save resources not having to research and build equipment for other classes.

My favorite team makup is 3 heavy gunners, 2 psi ops, and 1 specialist.
I used to like snipers a lot, but they are very situational. In a lot of missions they are just ‘meh’ to somewhat useless.

The melee guys, I never understood. Sure they can do a lot of damage, but they they end up standing near a bunch of aliens who will then waste them on the next turn.

The heavy gunners have grenades for AoE and destroying cover, as well as their main gun which strips armor and does really good damage.

The Psi ops are crowd control and some damage, but mostly there for crowd control.

The specialist heals and hacks robots / machines.

The dominant tactic is to make sure that you never really end your turn with any aliens alive. Or at least otherwise incapacitated. At that point, reliability and high damage are a big virtue.