You bought horse armor. You bought loot crates. You'll buy in-game NFTs.

I think it’s worth repeating often and loudly.

Perhaps quite a bit less so in this forum, but there are a lot of people who need to be warned of the risks.

Also, that site is just chock full of schadenfreude.

Holy crap. That seems like he has active disdain for his followers by trying to bleed them if money by tricking them.

Thanks was unaware of that site. I only became aware of the biggest calamities that hit mainstream news.

Jake Paul in a nutshell.

That game is missing an “F”.

I’m absolutely sure the “partnership” they’re touting is just the fact that EGS will allow it on their store.

In crypto terms that is known as an “emphasis on community”.

Wow, that’s quite a tweet thread. He follows with this:

See, this other game made five billion because it was on Epic so we can too! Apparently this guy doesn’t English well or he thinks fortnite was among the last things released on Epic.

Then in the next tweet he uses an image from Django Unchained to promote his game. Why create concept art for a promotion when there’s all this cool art already on the internet?

Then a gameplay clip that kinda makes me want to go back and play “Outlaws”. Followed by this:

This company is going places.

Odds are pretty good that this never actually launches.

Remember when the Epic announced they were going to start selling third party games, and one of the features distinguishing them from Steam was they would curate the store so scams and asset flips couldn’t get in?

I do wonder if Epic really did let them in, or if this more… aspirational.

Somebody in crypto making misleading claims? Thats’s unpossible!

There’s a first time for everything!

Kouatu has a bit on Grit.

This sounds like hell on earth to me.

Holy crap, this guy does not get gaming. It’s like everything is on timers, grinding, or horrific RNG.


Obligatory: the blockchain does not in fact make transferring assets from game to game any easier than it already is, and it’s a slow, kludgy, and extremely expensive technology for doing so.

(Regardless of whether the games being described sound like hell or not.)