You Can’t Run Forever [The Woods]: J.K. Simmons’ whiplash

I’ll watch J.K. Simmons in anything, pretty much. A sociopath on a killing spree is new.

This thread title makes my head hurt.

So, it’s basically Predator without special effects?

It does mention whiplash, you may want to get it checked out.

I misread the title as a post about O.J. Simpson passing away…

Won’t watch the trailer but sure will watch the movie. J.K. Simmons is fascinating.

Give J.K. Simmons a gun and set him loose!

I’m with ya. I’ve been a fan since Dr. Skoda on Law and Order. However, I dare say Dr. Skoda would tell us that JK’s current age doesn’t really fit the bell curve of raging homicidal maniac. I hope he can pull it off. I mean, if Liam Neeson can still make bank with it, why not?

These Farmers Insurance ads are getting so intense.

Looks like JK Simmons playing a version of Anton Chigurh. The trailer wasn’t very good, but it’s JK Simmons, and he’s pretty much always worth watching.

I’m sorry, but

Looks like an AI creation.

Were they rushing, or were they dragging!!?!??

I have a hard time watching J.K. Simmons as a bad guy because I just adore him so much.

I think I’ll just go listen to some Cave Johnson for a while.

Clearly relying heavily on Simmons’ name and face recognition and ‘Academy Award’ to sell this one.

I have to watch the trailer again to suss out what is the trigger for the rampage. My early thought was that it was a Taken concept ala Neeson, but that was quickly sidelined once he’s shown as the bad guy.

My Spidey Sense is telling me it’s like Russell Crowe in Unhinged. He’s an unhinged guy in today’s economy and political climate, just waiting on that extra straw to break his back. And then it’s off to the races.

I cringed out on “I’ll be your new daddy”

I love J.K. Simmons, but this just looks like hot garbage.

Hence the thread title.

It makes me more interested in seeing it. Sure, great actors can do bad movies, but what’s in here that Simmons saw to make him want to do it? Just for fun? Money? Stretch his acting chops? Must know why!

[Edit] Trailer spoiler: So I rewatched the trailer and I think I figured out a bit more about motivation. Looks like his wife may have been cheating on him, Simmons snaps, and goes after what I would have assumed is the other man’s family but I’m not sure about this connection.

So Simmons took the part because his wife was cheating on him. Makes sense.

Maybe this is like those Bruce Willis movies he was doing at the end of his career where he is barely in them. Get him to record some dialog for a couple of hours, and shoot some fuzzy footage of a body double. Edit that over the actress running around the woods and people talking in a room for 90 minutes and then drop a trailer showing pretty much every scene he’s in.

Seems like a pretty good way to make some money as an actor when you are pushing 70.