You have died... again. Dark Souls 2 announced

I wonder if Scuzz has been on the edge of his seat for the past two and a half years waiting for someone to confirm or deny invasions in BB.

Ha, I didn’t notice the thread necro.

I would say about half the time you see Rock8Man’s name on a thread bump it’s a necro. He’s the undisputed necromancer of QT3.

I recently 100% DS2. It was the hardest of the three to do because of what they required. DS2 feels like your actions have weight behind them, a feeling you don’t get in DS3.

Dark Souls 2 SOFS is coming back online.

I did see someone online post about DS2 getting a patch. So I thought maybe it was back online but I wasn’t sure.

I can’t vouch for this or even comment on whether it looks better. I won’t be replaying it.

Just thought it was noteworthy.

Amen to that.

Since I had Scholar of the Fist Sin installed, I took it for a spin. It’s a mixed bag. Some areas look quite neat, but others, like Huntsman’s Copse become real dreary. Ultimately I prefer the look of the original lighting.

Dreary? In my Dark Souls?!

There’s dreary and then there’s dreary.

SOTFS is a really good game, not as groundbreaking as the other games and probably too long with the DLC, but as a standalone it is still fun to play.

DS2 is great and I enjoyed it more than DS3 (although I loved all of them). It had some unique ideas that sadly didn’t return in some fashion later in the series.

Unfortunately DS2 also has the worst boss runs.

Sekiro/Elden Ring has spoiled me.

There is no doubt that there are some really terrible boss runs in DS2. Other than some weird desire to encourage invaders I don’t know why they would design some of those runs.

I remember at the time feeling like they were better than DS1, though that might not be true. They’ve gotten better in recent games.

They’re bad but if you’re extremely patient you can depopulate them. Possibly that entered into the calculation.

You don’t have to nessessarily be patient. I am pretty sure I de-spawned those fucking knights on the way to trying to beat the smelter demon just by a whole lot of failure.

Both in route and to the boss. Remember…zero invincibility frames when going through fog gates. Another ass mechanic unique to the series.

Yeah, being bad at the game and depopulating the game required very little patience on my part, I assure you. Just a whole lot of frustration and sucking at Dark Souls 2.

Yup. 100% pure raging frustration.

And the Frigid Outskirts never gets depopulated. Infinite respawning death reindeer forever.