You'll never guess who drags down the gameplay in Alien: Isolation

While I can appreciate the random AI of the Alien, they also should've remembered that we're playing a game that needs to progress.

While it seems logical that it would search for you for an extended period if it thinks you're around, the times when I haven't made a sound and it doesn't leave are beyond annoying. I lost track of the number of times the motion tracker said it was gone only to have the game shit it out of a ceiling vent in front of me the moment I emerge from a locker. And while this might seem "realistic" that the Alien is relentless, it makes the game drag pretty badly.

After 5-10 minutes of fruitlessly searching an area, the Alien's RNG should give way to the Fuck-Off-for-a-Couple-of-Minutes-So-the-Game-Can-Progress algorithm.

Signing on to the disagree camp. A:I is all the great things you mention PLUS has a bunch of Outlast puzzle solving you have to do to get through certain sections. How can I get through this section with the xeno plodding around? Does it piss me off? Heck yeah it does. A lot. But then I change my approach and discover I can get through or rather past the beasty pretty quickly. I spent three gaming sessions on Chapter 6 all because my approach was wrong. I was REALLY irritated. When I changed tactics, I got through in about 20m with only a couple reloads. I like a game that forces you to change up your play style even if a bonehead like me takes a few days to figure that out. Not suggesting any of this style stuff or bone headedness applies to you. As a fan of the films, I really enjoy the idea of knowing the alien is nearby and that if I am not careful, I'll bring it out. And I really enjoy knowing that sometimes I just have to go for it too and all the variations between. So far, I have to say that I am very much enjoying the game, the alien bits too and appreciate that there's other enemies in the game that also require different tactics. Great recreation of the atmosphere as you point out, tons of tracks from the original score, beautiful graphics, plenty of things to do other than just shooting (btw, revolver works perfectly well on human enemies, not the first game with specific weapons for specific enemies...) and finally the viciousness of the alien is spot on and I love it.

sad that people like you or tom don't die by cancer for their opinion. It should be genetically implemented that someone dies a painful death as soon as they give an inappropriate opinion

why should i fuck myself when it's possible to fuck your mum almost for free?

something like you calls yourself a writer? is the definition to be a writer something like this: "type bullshit on the internet because our mums told us we are special"?

dude you're fucking ugly you should think about a plastic surgery or something

well, i'll fuck your mum instead it's almost as cheap as fucking myself

shhhhhhhhhhhhh, sweetheart. shhhhhhhhhh

it's ok, baby. it's ok.

I'm really surprised you have time to comment with all the fucking yourself that you're doing.

it would be okay if someone finally takes down this site while a fuck like tom chick can finally agree that he is just gay and his mum didn't give him enough love so this is why he is hating on games

well i'm fucking your mum right now and tom chicks bitch aswell..pretty easy when you pay like 2 bucks for a fuck

someone sure is fussy today!

So, you gave Watch Dogs 4 stars, Arkham Origins 1 star and Destiny 3 stars, and yet this immaculate, challenging, atmospheric game gets 2 stars because you suck at it? Wow.

someone has a gay name (like Jason)

I loved the parts with the Alien! It terrified me beyond belief! And even though I died million and one times, I loved it regardless! I think you were being to childish about it, because you're being just like IGN. You don't wanna die as much and you want things done for you at that very second! You didn't wanna be patient. You're like a spoiled kid, because you want everything handed to you at that very second! Don't be so ignorant about and open your eyes to it and be patient! That's basically the whole jist of the game! I give this game a perfect 10 out of 10! I loved every second of it!

I adored this game. Played through it twice back to back. 1st on PS3 then PC.... PS3 is awful in comparison. Loading times on PS3 are appalling and slowdown happens repeatedly n graphics are fuzzier n jerkier! The Alien presents a constant threat as you dont always manage to make it to the nearest save station without getting jumped! This is easier on 2nd play through as you know the layout but on 1st play through its very tense! After reading some negative reviews I wondered myself if I would play 15-20 hours without tedium setting in.... I could. Easily a 9/10 for me which is surprising as I thought it'd be down there with Colonial Marines!

apparently neither do you.

I loved "Alien: Isolation" (I'm playing it for the second time straight) but I agree that the Alien parts could be improved. First, I don't like his stomping around like a T-Rex carrying an anvil: the Alien should be more stealthy (like in AvP2 by Monolith). Second: after a while you lose your sense of fear and start considering the Alien like a mini T-Rex or a Velociraptor from "Jurassic Park".

Still, I wonder why Tom omitted some of the best parts of the "Alien experience". First and foremost, its ability to learn. As the game progresses, Amanda finds herself with less and less tricks to distract the beast - because the Alien has learned them. She can still hide in closets, but this time she has to hold his breath (loss of health included) or the Alien will simply open the door and give to Amanda the faceful of teeth we learned to love. And in these occurrences don't try to check where it is using the motion tracker: the "blip" will often reverse the original intention, and tell the Alien where *you* are. Time to reload.

I'll never forget one of the most intense experiences I had in a videogame this side of "The Last of Us". 3/4 into the game in had to go from A to B; I had a choice of paths, places to hide, and the Alien who was chasing me relentlessly. It was a mix between a chess match and grabbing the moment when I saw an opening - all amid '70s sets and corridors, and psychedelic "alarm" lights. I visualised the whole sequence as single tracking shot made by Alfonso Cuaron, "Children of Men"- style. At the end I made it... and I immediately reloaded the game to retry the experience at once: this time I was nailed by the Alien four times our of five. Still, I hope that Fox will use the ideas in this franchise and one day Cuaron will direct "Alien 1.5".

I could go on and on (the Working Joes are terryfying...), but my point is that I'm sorry that Tom didn't enjoy the game. Still, I admit that "Alien: Isolation" is a very divisive game. I compared it to the latest "Godzilla" movie. All my friends found it boring. At my projection at the end the public applauded - me included.

I don't think that there is a "rightful" opinion. My vote is four stars (the Alien stomping ruins the atmosphere), but I can totally understand the two stars. If you want to try "Alien: Isolation" do it with your eyes wide open (it will be useful anyway)...!

P.S.: Tom: the revolver has its use - just think out of the loop. Actually, the whole game is an exercise in thinking out of the loop; and when you pull it off the satisfaction is doubled. This sudden understanding - which came too late the first time I played "Alien: Isolation" - is the very reason why I'm replaying it...

"After 5-10 minutes of fruitlessly searching an area, the Alien's RNG should give way to the Fuck-Off-for-a-Couple-of-Minutes-So-the-Game-Can-Progress algorithm."

Quote of the year. Propper lol. Totally agree. Still loved this game though had too change to easy mode to enjoy.

Yeah, I agree. Sevastopol Station is a great environment to play in. Too bad I end up seeing it from the inside of a cubbie, and skipping any exploration that isn't absolutely necessary, lest the alien bursts in and guts me while I'm taking a gander.