Your top 5 favorite rock bands (as of now)

Pink Floyd
“Weird Al” Yankovic

Okay, scratch that last one for the inevitable category arguments and substitute Peter Gabriel

The Who, Garbage, Foo Fighters, Filter, NIN, Gravity Kills, I Mother Earth, Local H…

Too many I like to decide :)

Guns n’ Roses
Pearl Jam
Deep Purple
Old Metallica

Pfft. You tape jockeys don’t even mix the songs. Just sequence them. BPM? scale? samples, intros, and outros? What are these things?

It’s all about the digital baby!

In no particular order except that the first one is my all-time favorite.

PJ Harvey
Daniel Johnston
David Bowie

In order of preference:

Alice in Chains 8)
Foo Fighters

The only rock band I’ve ever liked enough to put on any kind of list is:

The Clash

London Calling is brilliant beyond words.

Sandinista is worth a purchase for Washington Bullets alone.

Staind has no “e”, but good choices. :) I love them as well, although, their 14 Shades of Gray CD is a bit too quiet for my liking. I guess you get lots 'o kudos and cash and you do not have as much reason to scream anymore.

My guess is if you were a guy, your choice of Creed would bring down hellfire upon your innocent soul from the rock aficianado’s around here, but as you are a well-mannered female, you will get a pass. I thought Creed’s first CD was the greatest thing that came out the year it was released. I saw them in concert for $1.07 before anyone knew who they were and Scott Stapp’s charismatic stage presence is wonderful to watch. I think they have become a little too big and heavy handed with their rapid rise to fame and fortune, but I still like 'em.

Jeez, and I thought it was going to be Foo Fighters that would do it. :wink:


Jeez, and I thought it was going to be Foo Fighters that would do it. :wink:[/quote]

No. Creed is too preachy and waaaay to popular to be liked by any self respecting and discerning rock fan. Popularity = Bad. :) Foo Fighters have the Dave Grohl/Nirvana link so it ads a bit of credibiltiy.

It’s more of a sucking=sucky thing.

The Clash
Genesis (before Gabriel left)
The Police
Van Halen

Note: I’m leaving Yes off to spare Met K’s ghost from having an ectoplasmic fit.

Sparky is seriously 80s.

Pink Floyd (easily could occupy all 5 slots and then some)
Pearl Jam
Led Zep
System of a Down

System of a Down? Yeah. I’m notoriously slow to pick up music, and I can say with confidence that I hated all these bands except Pink Floyd until I heard them long enough. However, there was a sadistic urge to listen to them every once in a while. I think, in a few years, I could really like System of a Down. As it is, I can only listen to a few of their songs, but those I like quite a bit.

In no particular order :

The Doors

Led Zeppelin
Pink Floyd (pop ? rock ? both ?)
REM (pre-Monster)
The Doors

(and 50 more…)

scrolling the iPod, here’s what has been in my ear the most lately:

The Pixies - without these guys you have no Nirvana…and thus none of the new alterna-grunge crap bands that are out today. hmmm.

Camper Van Beethoven - classic indie music

Mogwai - better than Radiohead…and that means something

Grandaddy - they have a track in 28 Days Later (the music playing while they are in the grocery store)…their new CD Sumday is fantastic

Godspeed You! Black Emperor - they also have a track in 28 Days Later (the music playing as he first wanders an empty London)

Spiritualized - if you own one of their CDs, buy the Complete Works, Vol. 1…incredible.


In no particular order, and assuming that “bands” can include solo artists:

Pink Floyd
Neal Young

Honorable mention to Concrete Blond, Cream, the Replacements, etc etc etc.

Ahh!! Are you kidding? Monster is great. “What’s the Frequency Kenneth” was perfect in Bringing out the Dead, and it totally got me hooked on that album.

I really liked New Adventures in Hi-Fi as well.