2018 Frame Game

I actually looked at my OP before I used it, and I didn’t mention anything about no early access stuff. I think we’ve had EA stuff before, in fact. Hell, we’ve had stuff that was ONLY released in Japan before.

And now, some are going to look forward to 8bits computers type-ins’ captures. ROAAAR!

Hell I barely know like 5% of the games you guys are doing, even when I played them before. Bring it.

I’ll get back to you when I win and once I am done typing them in, oh dear what a bother, how could I ever do that…

Wanna take my turn? I’d gladly pass it over to you. ;)

Early Access is at a state of release, since people can (and often will) buy and play games in EA. Closed beta for backers only… not quite so much. ;)

I don’t want to imply that there is or should be a rule about that - just that posting games that are not widely available will make that much more difficult for people to guess them correctly, because, you know, some people already have a hard time recognizing games they have actually played… ;)

I am waiting patiently for that Brazilian type-in gem of yours :O

I don’t think people really know what a message like this does to the imagination.

Haha, sorry, I hadn’t read properly your first reply, I was just anxious to see the full picture of your game :D

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Do we need an extra set of hands for updating the cheat code list? Last update there was back in July, for Scanner Sombre.

I’ll do it. My life is empty!

I thought it would be filled with wine, women, and cheeses, or something French related like that. :)

Or am I thinking of Italy, France’s boot.

LOL - and here I was walking back to my car when I got this update, so you reminded me to grab the full image and post it before returning to work! Thanks!

I mean, that’s kind of true of a lot of the games posted here to a lot of people. This has been active on YouTube for a really long time, I had a thread about it that I keep fairly active, and it drops next Tuesday. So, while I knew it would be a little bit of a problem for some folks, I figured it would turn out okay. And someone did win it! So there is that. ;)

But if I’m being 100% honest, I figured this might drum up some discussion for the game, which does drop next week and like no one is talking about it.

The reason that was my guess is basically because I figured you might do something like that, and I think it’s certainly a legitimate reason. I’m actually quite curious about the game, but since I’ve barely played PoE2 so far, I might wait a bit before buying. But your enthusiasm about it is somewhat infections and I’m intrigued about the game, so there’s that. ;)

As @rhamorim is as busy as usual, I propose you this little interlude for the week-end.
It’s super tricky and obscure, but since it doesn’t count, I hope to not get too much flak. And look at those scanlines, even through the blur of those rescaled jpeg images! It’s the first time I take a picture of a TV screen, and I couldn’t figure how to help the blurriness with my aged phone.
I’ll post a new frame every few hours.

As a hint, this was a Japanese exclusive.

Fatal Frame, uh 4? (The Wii exclusive one?)

Nope: the poor quality is solely due my own lens, not the game’s!