2020 Frame Game - Come Join the Fun This Year!

I prefer the black splotches, to be honest. Not that I don’t appreciate cats.

I can’t even spot where the actual game portion is in that picture.

Yeah, that’s really hard to parse. I’m assuming the game part is the top fifth of the image, minus the cat ears?

Microsoft Flight Simulator


That’s one of the fun things about doing it like this. Shake up the game a little!

Also, all’a y’all be wrong, bishes.

Even though I’m pretty sure it’s a flight sim, I’m going to guess Cities Skylines.

GTA 5 ?

Watch Dogs

Marvel’s Spider-Man?

Thinking of the warmth of the nest, fencecat contemplates existence on the cusp.

Falcon 4?

Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown


I’ll go nuts and say GTAIV.

San Andreas?

@schurem More?

@schurem , poke!

Haha! Was about to do it again myself. Cheers!