2022 Game Frame Game - All Skill Levels Welcome!

I played and loved all the sensible soccers, although did not know about this previous iteration.

I loved Sensible Soccer, even bought it on GOG a while ago. Doesn’t hold up too good though…

Alpha Protocol?

Alpha Notocol.

Brother in Arms

Phallic Village 1880?

One of your is extraordinarily close!

I guess we’ll never find out who though.

Plague something: something

Anno 1800?

Sniper Elite 1842 ?

Company of Heroes?

I’ll toss in MoH: Allied Assault

Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate?

Precision Crossbows?

Some of your are VERY CLOSE.

An old Call of Duty, say, 2?

Hell Let Loose?

The great thing about this answer is it stops me from having to make a new image! (Because it’s correct)

Bonus clip I saw the other day for people that like explosions and motion blur:


There’s a disappointing lack of chatter about the game on this forum!

Never heard of it. Yet another one.

It’s fantastic. Best current multiplayer FPS game, in my opinion. It’s a 50v50 ‘tactical’ FPS with pseudo-RTS elements that’s aiming to be Band of Brothers: The Game. It’s not as hardcore as Squad or ARMA, it’s much more approachable and fun. It’s not arcadey like Battlefield etc as it’s very much one-shot-kill for everyone, and the player driven tanks and artillery mean you’ll also be exploded into mist a lot too. It’s heavily team-play focused with ideally everyone having a mic, and similar to Squad everyone is in a 6man squad headed by a squad leader, and the squad leaders are lead by the commander who is responsible for spawning tanks and bombing runs and things.

We have a thread here but it’s pretty empty:

For an indie FPS it is doing decent numbers on Steam and has a lot of active servers. It also has PS5/xbox crossplay and a big (but buggy) update just dropped on console.